Chapter 31 - Touring the City

Lucius' decision to tour Edmund through the city was not a waste.

He originally plotted to make Edmund see that Heimer was a paradise compared to the rest of the continent which was suffering from a non-ending war caused by scarce resources.

But it turned out better than he expected. Not only did he make Edmund understand the stark contrast between Heimer and the rest of the world, but he was also strangely excited about working in Heimer.

Seeing Edmund's excitement, Lucius thought that it would be a better idea to have him study at the academy first before trying any type of work.

He previously said that Edmund could do whatever he wanted, as long as he was a citizen of Heimer. But on second thoughts, he decided to annul this decision.

He would still pay for his expenses though, as long as he's still studying in the academy and as long as those expenses are within a reasonable range.

Although, the decision to force them to get married was not annuled.

Forcing Edmund and his men to have a family in Heimer was not a matter to be dismissed.

This was needed to ensure their absolute loyalty to Heimer.

Besides, arranged marriages were normal in this world's era, so they were not really complaining.

They were even allowed to find their own marriage partner within a 2-month period. But after that period is over, their marriage would be arranged.

Arranged marriages were so common that there were agencies that handled them in Heimer even before Lucius arrived at this world.

Of course, he took over a majority of those agencies and integrated them into the government's own agency, actively making them part of the numerous civil government services in Heimer.

Anyway, going back to the city tour, Lucius brought a newly made vehicle for the tour.

The vehicle was in fact, an electric car.

The electric car wasn't as powerful as some people might think.

In fact, its maximum power output was only around 50 horsepower.

It was equivalent to the earliest cars in human history.

Nonetheless, it was still much faster than a horse, around 3 to 4 times faster.

The electric car was still a prototype, and the expected final product should have 200 horsepower.

Its current driving range was around 200 km when fully charged.

Charging it was a hassle though, since Heimer's electricity infrastructure was still currently being built.

And so, Lucius had to charge it himself using leftover batteries from the cargo of the crashed spaceship.

Thankfully, he and the refugees from Earth-0, the original Earth, was almost done with building a nuclear fusion power plant.

They had spent the past year working on it, and so far, the results were great.

The reactor was done, and they only needed to finish building the surrounding structures.

Speaking of which, Lucius had also set the power plant as the last destination to the tour since the location was not that far from Oppen.

When Lucius started the tour, Edmund was amazed by the vehicle he was on.

He was wondering about all sorts of things.

But the amazement lasted short.

They first rode around in a big loop accross the city just for an overview of it.

Edmund had his jaw drop when he saw the sheer size of the buildings around him.

The closer they were to the center of the city, the taller the building.

The city was essentially divided into numerous districts.

But there were 3 main groups of districts. The 4 core districts, the 10 inner districts, and the 15 outer districts.

After the overview, Lucius and Edmund passed by each of the districts in the city.

The 15 outer districts had a height limit for their buildings. This was done to ensure that the city would not be too suffocating to live in.

As a result, the 15 outer districts were mostly comprised of suburban houses, small and medium-sized offices, as well as supermarkets/minimarkets and malls for the people living there.

There were also other types of buildings such as police stations, fire stations, hospitals, branches of Lucius' academy made for the people who weren't able to go to the main academy because of it being full, and more.

Though these buildings only account for around 10%.

As a side note, those branch academies weren't able to get the TART-X robots because of its limited supply. Fortunately, there were a lot of Earth-0 refugees willing to be teachers, so Lucius sent them there.

The 10 inner districts comprised of high-rise apartments, offices, hotels, government buildings, hospitals, and many more. There were just too many types of buildings to be listed.

And the most special part of the city was the 4 core districts.

These 4 core districts were labelled by numbers.

Of the 4 core districts, District 1 was the biggest of them. In fact, the other 3 core districts combined would only account for half the size of District 1.

District 1 was devoid of any high-rises or skyscrapers.

The only buildings in that district were ones with a sort of renaissance era architecture.

Most of these buildings used to be owned by nobles.

But now that the nobles of Heimer were only nobles in their names, these buildings were now also occupied by rich businessmen of commoner origins.

A majority of the nobles in Heimer now lived in the inner districts' high-rises, and they often occupied the top floors of these buildings.

As such, the buildings in District 1 were treated as historical buildings since no one was building them anymore in Heimer.

Lucius' castle was also in District 1. It was surrounded by small patches of woods and grassy plains. This area reached as far as 5 km away from the castle and its surrounding buildings.

This natural area was purposefully left untouched unless needed for infrastructure purposes. It was left untouched so that Lucius could enjoy his morning runs.

Lucius named the area "Castle Park", since it was a semi-private space that performed as a tourist spot.

To get into the park as a tourist, you had to go through tons of security checks and you'd have to pay an exorbitant amount of money for just an entry ticket.

Surrounding this park was the previously mentioned rich historical neighborhood, so it was quite a profittable business model, as there were many rich people willing to enter the park.

Next was District 2.

District 2 was the district for the government headquarters. As such, a majority of the buildings in that district were just boring government offices.

Then, there was District 3.

District 3 was also quite boring to sightsee in, as it was a district that housed the military headquarters as well as the police headquarters.

The other buildings in District 3 acted as supporting facilities for the military and police, such as dorm buildings and training ranges among many others.

The last core district, District 4, was special.

This district was the only entertainment district of Oppen.

District 4 had no apartments or hotels whatsoever.

It only had restaurants, museums and art galleries, small public nature parks, a huge water park and theme park which were still in the middle of construction, and many more entertainment-related buildings.

All in all, the entire city's size was approximately 652 sq km.

Originally, Oppen's size was only around 11 sq km in area, but growing to 652 sq km in just 3 years was insane.

The time Lucius spent in Heimer was almost 4 years, so growing the capital city's size by 66 times was an unimaginable feat.

Subsequently, Oppen's original population of around 100,000 people grew to a whopping 16.7 million.

If he didn't have the help of the Earth-0 refugees and the technology they brought, it would've taken him at least 50 years to do it by himself.

Speaking of which, the plans that he expected would take a few years were shortened.

When he thought about boring through the Kiantal mountain to gst to the elves, he expected around 3 years of work, but it took him less than a year.

Because of that, the Zurg Empire's attack, came 3 years earlier than expected.


The city's tour had ended.

But after touring Oppen, they still had few hours left before the identification process was done for the day.

And so Lucius took Edmund to see Lucius Science Academy. Not one of its branches, but the main academy.

The main academy was built far away from Oppen.

If you measured its distance from Oppen's outer district closest to it, it would be approximately around 34.4 km.

Because of its distance, the Lucius had built a city around the academy.

The academic city was named Bethus City, a combination of Elizabeth's and Lucius' last part of their first names.

And to go there, they had to take a train ride.