Dream Realm (Part 2)

'Volac,' Evan tried to call Volac using shadow senses, but Volac just stood in the same place without responding to him.

"What the hell is wrong with him" Evan furrowed his eyebrows when Volac didn't answer him. He tried to call him a few more times but the result was the same.

"Is he being affected by some illusion skill?"

The way Volac stood in one place doing nothing led Evan to suspect that Volac was being affected by an illusion skill, but he was not sure about his guess because he could not believe that an illusion skill could affect Volac to this extent.

If a person's spiritual power is strong enough, they can easily break free from illusion skills. Volac's spiritual power is far greater than that of other S Rankers because he was created using the 'Soul Fusion' skill, so in Evan's eyes, with his current spiritual power, Volac should have easily been broken free from an illusion skill.