Beginning Of The End (Part 1)

Dragons, Vampires, Elves, Naga, Mechadroids— While unconscious, Evan saw many different kinds of species in his dreams, this naturally includes the Demons.

Because of the things that he saw in his dreams, he knows that Demons are one of the top races in Utopia and there are many different types of demons.

Because of the knowledge he gained from his dreams, Evan knew that demons often make contracts with other people through rituals and work with them.

When Evan saw Ronan's memories using the Soul Search skill, he heard him talking with Nate about a Demon Summoning Ritual.

Although he didn't have much knowledge about the Demon Summoning Ritual because the memories he saw in his dreams were not focused on Demons, he still knew the three most important things about it.

First, to summon demons and make contracts with them, you have to pay a very high price.