Soul Pact (Part 2)

When Evan used Eyes Of The Abyss to look at the cube floating in front of Octavius, he saw a strange fire burning inside it.

The fire had no defined shape or colour, and it was constantly changing. Sometimes it was in the shape of a red orb, sometimes an orange horizontal or vertical line or sometimes a small dot flashing with rainbow-coloured lights and many more variations.

Although the fire inside the cube was quite strange, the thing that attracted Evan's attention was the small sitting silhouette of a man inside the cube.

The silhouette of the man was connected with the ever-changing fire, and when Evan looked at it closely, he noticed the small silhouette looked like Octavius.

Not only that, but a wave of energy was coming out of the small silhouette, projecting the image of Octavius who was talking to them.