Escarte: Amila

After a few minutes of waiting, I saw Silver coming out of the shop, all dressed neatly and proper. She was wearing a white top over her blue jeans and despite being casual, I could see the neatness in her attire and appearance. 

There were black glasses over her face and her pure white skin was making her look like a doll, to be honest. I could see her smile from afar as she waved at me from the entrance of the store. 

Looking at her like that, it was as if I were watching a child getting out of their favorite store after buying some toys. Well, it was fine in its own way.

She moved closer to the car and opened up the door. Placing a few more dresses, which she bought along with the one she was already wearing, she then turned at me with a slight blush. 

"What?" she asked, a bit embarrassed as I smiled before telling her,"nothing much. You just reminded me of someone. Someone who was quite adept at fashion sense and stuff."