The Ace [pt 2]

The red eyes shined like a luminescent out of place, seeming to resent the endless veil of darkness that tugged it from all sides. 

A couple of seconds later, other crimson eyes shone beneath the large ones. It was small and round just like the former. 

Ayo almost made a shrieking sound but held himself together. He could feel the cold embrace of fear gently touch his skin. 

'...damn it! damn it! damn it!' 

The feeling was unfamiliar and disgusting. For one to feel so helpless in the face of a looming calamity. Ayo didn't know what was in the depths of the darkness, he couldn't even see the body to tell how big it was. There was just one option he had left. 


Swiftly, he turned and darted back to where he came from. For the first time in his life, he hated his mantra. Go forward?! Fucking go backward you piece of shit!!