Assignment One Part One

"First let me take a moment to explain how your nanites work." Teal explained. "They respond to what you do and amplify it. As you are now, newly injected you are considered to be level zero. As you walk home or exercise, or even just study you will teach the nanites important ways to improve your body.

Slowly over time the nanites will increase your muscles, changing them and improving them. If you do a lot of strength based tasks, the nanites will focus on this and create a body built for strength. If you focus on agility or speed, they will also respond in kind.

Or if you study the nanites will enhance your memory and increase the speed at which you can absorb knowledge." Teal walked over to his desk and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a large device and laid it down on the desk with a loud thud. "This is a reader. It is similar to the device that measured the signal strength of your nanites, but it will instead measure their maturity.

Like I said you are all level zero, at level ten your nanites are considered fully mature and will no longer improve your body. It takes years to reach level ten. Some students in the elite class have achieved that feat before graduating, but for most people it happens sometime in their mid-thirties. For others it doesn't happen at all.

The higher your score in the last test the faster your nanites will mature and level. Considering how you are class F; it will be considerably more difficult for you to level than the other classes. Which brings us to your assessment.

As I said the levels take years to achieve, however level one is quite easy. It can usually be obtained by the elite class within five days. So, your assignment is as follows: Achieve level one by the end of the week!"

"What?!" Shell replied angrily. "You just said that we will have a harder time with acquiring levels than everyone else! How are we supposed to achieve level one?!"

"Not my problem." Teal said.

"Aren't you the teacher?!" Alex replied.

"Well, more of an advisor really." Teal explained. "I am more or less your babysitter, but I am not required to teach you anything. Now, if any of your parents wish to pay me for some after school tutoring… that's a different story altogether."

"I see." Dax said. "The school isn't paying you at all are they?"

"They are not." Teal said with a sigh. "I mean I get the standard minimum wage required by law, but I am not making near what the class C, A, and S teachers are making. That's kind of what they meant by not wasting any resources."

"I have a question." Dax said. "How am I supposed to complete this assignment?"

"I thought I just answered that…" Teal replied.

"No, I have no nanites." Dax said. As he did the class gasped. "I overheard the administrator and the doctor. I have no signal. None of the nanites survived the implantation."

"That is interesting." Teal said. "Well, there isn't any caveat in this assignment for that. I didn't even think that was possible."

"Teacher! Can we just expel him now?" Shell asked. "He is only going to bring us down for the rest of the year and we will have no chance to pass class C if we keep him."

"I disagree with Pinky." Gee replied.

"I do not condone that nickname!" Shell said, stomping her foot. "You will address me with respect! I am the daughter of a Senator! Why would you not want to expel this problem! It will only make our life at school worse!"

"No, you are an F class reject like the rest of us." Gee said. "I disagree, because that kid is our ticket."

"Explain." Shell said, still visibly upset.

"Well, the assignments may be unfair, but they are supposed to be achievable." Gee explained. "It isn't like we are asked to slay a monster or cast a spell. Things we would have no chance with. It would be hard, but it isn't impossible to reach level one. So, it is an approved assignment. However, with this kid it is impossible to achieve that.

The academy has rules, and this kid is a godsend. Per the academy rules we are allowed to have a different class assignment."

"Actually, this is an individual assignment, only Dax will get an alternative assignment." Teal explained. "Although, wow, I am impressed you knew all that. I took you for the troublemaking silent type."

"Maybe I am?" Gee replied.

"I somehow doubt it now." Shell replied. "And never call me Pinky again."

"Make me Pinky." Gee replied, a wicked smile across her face.

"Girls, fight it out later." Teal said. "Dax, not having nanites is unheard of. For your own sake please do not tell anyone else. Also, no one else breathes a word of it outside of this classroom."

"Why shouldn't we?" Cali asked, who had been silently observing everything transpire.

"If things get harder for Dax, then they will get harder for all of you." Teal explained. "You are all going to have a rough time as it is. Spreading the truth about Dax will only make it worse."

"Thanks." Dax said. "I didn't know it was that big of a deal, I mean I suspected it was… but I was unsure."

"And yet you blurted it out." Shell said with a sigh. "See this is why we should just kick him out."

"No." Teal said. "Gee was right about the rules, Dax may be the best shot at winning. And that sweet class C paycheck."

"At least we know your motives are pure…" Shell said, rolling her eyes.

"Okay everyone is dismissed, except for Dax." Teal said. "Please report to class once a day, or not. It isn't like I am going to teach you anything. But you are required to return in one week for the test, see you all then."