Magic Quest Online Part 3

{The signer of this contract agrees to follow all rules and procedures of the adventurer's guild. They shall be assigned a rank and role appropriate to their abilities and take on quests and responsibilities appropriate to the aforementioned role. A small portion of the energy used when killing monsters and completing quests will be sent to and retained within the guild. The signer agrees that the aforementioned energy is forfeit from them and complete property of the guild.}

"What an odd contract." Dax said.

"Right?" Fey agreed. "I never read it before, but why would a guild in a game need energy?"

"It's weird." Dax said. "But if you have been doing it for a while, I guess there is no harm in it. I mean you reached level three-hundred-some and felt fine right?"

"Yeah, I never noticed anything." Fey explained. "Didn't get as much as a debuff from it."