Underwater Dungeon Part 4

The spacious craven that they swam into was beyond their imagination. Brightly colored glowing crystals were spread throughout the massive space, giving it an odd colorful illumination. Strange fish swam peacefully around the area.

Even with the extra light, they could not see the bottom and had no idea just how deep the cavern went. They looked up to the waters above them, expecting to have been transported away, but everything was still as it was.

"Maybe it isn't a dungeon." Dax said as he stopped and looked at the ocean above them. "I mean when we went into that last dungeon, we were teleported into some other plain of existence that was nothing like where we were originally. This just seems like another ocean, beneath the ocean."

"I am not detecting that we have entered a dungeon." Rune added. "The entrance may be further down. I detect more mana coming from beneath us."