Chapter 39 Demon vs Rex

Rex walked down the cave path until a wider spot came into view. The demon was quietly waiting for Rex.

"Yes! The time for the demons to regain their glory is here." The demon thought with a mysterious grin.

Rex swallowed his spit and got into a fighting stance.

The demon sees him without his weapons. The demon smiled even harder. Knowing his opponent was degrading him felt amazing. The demon knew even if he did not win, the damage he would do would be permanent.

The demon let a single slice out for his claw-like hands. It grazed Rex and he felt a world of pain.

"This hurts worse than when I fought all the wars together for the first time." Rex held his shoulder.

The demon wanted more of his attack to hit but that was enough to let his opponent not underestimate him.

"Let the dance of the demons begin!" The demon shouted.

Rex naturally began to use everything in his power to avoid all the incoming attacks. Rex could feel more and more Qi leaving his body.

"This is not good." Rex thought.

Rex turned on his menu, while he kept dodging the attacks. He saw the demon hit him with a miasma attack that draws out a person's Qi.

The more Rex dodged the demon's attack. The more he helped his Qi in being drawn out.

"This fight is not good at all." Rex inwardly cried.

Even though this was Rex's first time ever fighting a demon. He found it quite enjoyable.

He enjoyed learning more about fighting. Even though he was constantly being attacked. He slowly began to see patterns.

He slowly began to flick the demon through his attacks. It pissed the demon off to no end.


Rex felt his heart sink when the demon roared a little bit. He did not know if it was normal or not.

The Spider Queen watched from the cavern she made her home in.

"He is learning about Demon's fighting style. Even though he is getting his Qi drawn out. He still uses as little as possible. He has truly mastered the art of war." The Spider Queen spoke and danced a little.

She was truly happy that the boy had helped her. She felt immense pain that he allowed himself to get grazed by that attack but seeing him learn a lot. She was truly willing to give him everything now.

"My husband, watch out. For he is the one to grant me not only revenge. He will also make a New King Yellow Striped Spider."

She went back to her crown. Seeing her daughter eating a crystal. The Queen knew her mother had done the same when she ate the crystal.

"I wish my mother was still here."

She climbed back down and went to watch the fight again.

Rex noticed while fighting, the cave was not getting damaged with the Demon's fighting style. This made Rex wonder what it truly did.

Rex began to slowly see the miasma leave the demon's body. He remembered how a Soul Attack used to be. This was the same way.

"Could it be that demons were formed from a person doing Soul Attacks that were not Soul Arts?" Rex's thoughts were going to be the way Demons and Cultivators would get along in the future.

Rex finally decided to use one of his oldest Soul Arts. This was nothing new to any cultivator it was just a basic soul defense.

"Soul Art: Soul Defense"

Rex did not shout it at the top of his lungs. He did make it known to his enemy.

This news shocked the demon. He had never known of a person could use Soul Arts before their cultivation even began.

The Spider Queen was once again shocked seeing the young boy able to use Soul Arts. She was even willing to try even more stuff with his soul. She would have to get him to fully accept her has a Soul Partner.

"Oh mother, when I heard you found a Soul Partner. I thought it was truly stupid. Seeing the young man in front of me. I now understand why you were able to find a Soul Partner."

The Spider Queen was dancing with joy unimaginable. It was not just seen on the outside that a Yellow Striped Spider was dancing but her insides were too. Even deeper her Soul was brightened so much even when Rex left the Goddess Realm. He looked normal.

Rex saw that the normal miasma attack did nothing and he saw the miasma poison weaken. It would not be completely cleared because he needed to get the vaccine. He was able to learn a lot from this battle.

"Demon. I have to thank you. This is probably the first match I have enjoyed in a while. While this match was enjoyable, I have learned a lot from it too."

The demon seemed to continue his barrage of miasma attacks. That did not mean the demon was not listening.

"I believe your miasma attack is very similar to what we cultivators call a Soul Attack. It is different from a Soul Art because one just uses their soul and does not care."

The demon felt frustrated because he did not have much power left to finish this attack. Rex felt he was going to win. This is why Rex decided to talk.

The demon stopped throwing out attacks recklessly. Instead now, he took advantage of the miasma in the small cavern and focused it on Rex.

Rex finally saw a chance to let everything loose in a single punch. Once he did, the demon seemed to vanish into nothing. There was no blood, no bones, not even a piece of skin left. The only thing that remained from this fight was the miasma attack on Rex's shoulder.

The miasma in the air vanished. Rex did not want the fight to end this way but sensing the incredible amount of miasma in the air from what the demon was doing. Rex had no choice but to finish the fight.

The Spider Queen truly wanted to rush down and help Rex but in doing so would hurt her. She claimed this cavern has hers. If she ever left, she would be hurt extremely badly by Heavenly Qi.

With this she called out, "YOUNG BOY COME HERE."

Rex barely managed to make it back before he passed out.