Chapter 57 Concubine hugging

I went and knocked on their door. I could feel the killing intent directed towards the door.

"I hope they do not want to kill me."

The door opened and I saw the Headmaster.

She released her killing intent and hugged me extremely tight.

"Thank you for praying to the Goddesses for me. I hope I can become a concubine for you." The Headmaster cried.

Her sister slowly appeared from behind the door. She had the look of horrors. I gently shallowed and the Headmaster felt my chills.

"Sis, calm down. I know you want to fight him because of yesterday but he prayed for me. So today, nothing will happen to him on my watch. Understood?" Her tone became heavy and filled the house with a bunch of different Qi.

"Today is his only safe day sister. I will mark it on the calendar so today's date is the date he will always be safe."

She left to go find a calendar.

"Come in." The Headmaster dragged me into the house.

"What can we do for you this early?" The Headmaster had sparkles leaving her body.

"I heard that you two have become my concubines." I tried to keep my voice normal but it did become scratchy.

Hearing that the Headmaster jumped into my lap hugged me super tight. I barely could contain myself from this tight hug.

"Sister, Rex heard from the Goddesses that the both of us are now his. Make sure to treat him nicely now." The Headmaster's voice was super lovey dovey.

The sister released the killing intent greater than what the Headmaster did. I really did not want this to end badly.

"I understand you do not want someone who thinks badly of you or your sister. I will do my best to keep you happy. I also got a task from the Goddesses." I told the Headmaster's sister.

"A task from them? Are you a Priest? How strong are you really?" The sister bombed me with questions.

"I still do not know your names. So how about we start there." I asked.

"My sister decided to abandon her name after her last husband. As for mine, my name is Olivia." The sister spoke.

"What was your sister's previous name?" I asked.

The Headmaster was not paying any attention to this conversation. All she needed was my warmth and someone who needed her.

"Her previous name was Layla."

I rubbed the Headmaster's head. She snuggled closer to me.

I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. Olivia came in also and she forced me out while the two of them undressed.

"Damn. I wanted them to leave so I could get a quick scrub."

Not soon after I thought, I heard, "Come in Master."

I grabbed the door handle and closed my eyes. I walked in and gently closed the door.

"At least he has manners coming in here." Olivia said.

"Come on Master, we will undress you and bathe you." Layla said.

"You can open your eyes, Master. My sister is very protective of her body. While mine has been used before, I will wholeheartedly give you everything I have. I hope you will accept me. I do not want to live like I previously did." Layla said in a shaky voice.

Hearing her shaky voice, I knew she needed loving. I just hope that my guardians accept them.

"I would rather have my eyes open but for Olivia's sake. I will keep them shut until she is ready. I hope you understand." I pleaded.

I could hear Layla crying. I did want to open my eyes and comfort her. I did not want to feel the wrath of Olivia.

"You care so much to keep us together. I greatly appreciate it and love you even more." Layla stole my first kiss.

Olivia put her head against my back.

"You can open your eyes to see the concubine in front. Make sure you do not look behind you." Olivia had a happy tone.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Layla completely naked in front of me. She had the perfect curves, nothing overly big, and a tight butt.

"I know my sister gave you my former name. For the time being, you can call me that. I will greatly appreciate it if you think of a better name for me."

I could hear the sadness coming from her voice.

"I will do my best. I am not good at thinking of names."

She smiled and said, "Even the worst name in the world I will treasure."

I smiled and hugged her.

"Okay. How about we get ourselves a bath?"

"Of course. Remember I scrub your back and if you look. Your eyes will disappear and then your life." Olivia spoke.

"Sister, please you may be like that now. Once you get a good taste of him. You will never be the same." Layla played.

Olivia's mood instantly changed. Layla giggled like a little girl.

"Okay, for now calm down and let me tell you what the Goddesses tasked me with." I spoke.

Layla sat down in front of me looking up, Olivia put her arms around my chest and her head on my shoulders, and I decided to continue standing.

"There are four Priests here in the Second Realm. One is Hifor, one is in some village, the third one is here in Lumi, the final one in Rith. They tasked me to kill all four of them. Whoever helps me kill them will get a free advancement in whatever Qi type or Qi Realm. My parents are currently in Rith. So I am thinking of going there first and getting that kill. What do you two think?"

"Sounds like fun!" Olivia was dancing behind me.

"Whatever you want Master." Layla said.

I smiled. Seeing how these two sisters act, makes me remember how the Six Delights used to act. I really desire to re achieve that feeling.

"Okay we need to hurry up with our bath. Olivia and I will head to Rith and kill that Priest. Is there any fast way to make it there? If not I can run but that would be a long run." I asked.

"Not really but Olivia can fly you part way and you finish the run." Layla said.

I agreed with that statement.

Layla started to scrub my groin. I could not help but blush. Layla smiled and Olivia watched me for any inconvenience that I would give her.

Soon it became 6:00 am. Olivia and I headed out. Layla waved us goodbye.

"They make such a good pair." Layla thought.