Chapter 92 Rex's decision

Looking at his screen Rex began to wonder what prompted each choice he had. Although fear of a wrong decision now came into his mind. He still looked at his screen seriously.

"SSS Rank Quest for a Soul Tame and Soul Mate. An Unable to Complete Quest for choosing to fight against the heavens. Why would all three pop up?"

While thinking extremely hard, Rex slowly began to fall asleep without thinking.

He then appeared before the Goddesses in a dream.

"What happened?" Rex asked.

"The decision to fight against the heavens is a Quest right?" Mira asked.

Rex nodded in agreement.

"Only those who have the recognition to become a God or Goddess have the right to that Quest. We cannot help you with the Quest but we can help you decide." Mera said.

Rex thought about it seriously. He already had to help his guardians become high-ranking in the Heavenly Realms. He knew that he would eventually get a Soul Mate and acquire a Soul Tame.

With the decision still up in the air, Rex slowly began to consider the possibility that fighting would be the right choice for now.

"What happens when I decide to fight against the heavens?" Rex asked.

"Depends on what you are fighting for." Mira said.

Rex thought about it seriously. Why was fighting the heavens a choice, to begin with? Was this a joke by the heavens? Was this because of his previous life and how much he fought? Was this because of how he killed the Priests? With these thoughts going through Rex's mind.

"You are thinking too much about it Rex. Simply follow your desire and make the correct choice. Although we can not tell you how the choice came to be. You can always ask those women and wolves close to you. The choice may not be the one that everyone likes. Make sure it is the choice you agree with." Mera said.

Rex with a simple smile said, "Thank you both." The dream ended.

Waking up in the middle of the night. The women had already come upstairs and gone to their rooms for the night. Fenrir and his mate were sleeping downstairs on a rug.

"I will not sleep tonight. So I need to get the stuff done."

Rex went and got five pieces of paper. He began to write the same things on all of them.

"Only one choice can be made. If multiple are put down, the first one will be used. Also, we need to keep this anonymous, so do not put your name on your vote.

Choice 1 Fight against the heavens

Choice 2 Perform a Soul Mate

Choice 3 Perform a Soul Tame."

With the votes done, Rex then began to write notes for the women and wolves.

"Be ready at Sunrise. There is a vote that we all need to participate in."

With the papers written down, Rex began to place them on each of the bedroom doors on the inside. He made sure the papers would stick.

With everything done, Rex's nerves started to bother him. So he went and sat down on the roof.

Watching time move around him, he began to feel like something was waiting for him.

Slowly the women began to wake up and see the papers on their doors. They began to look at others' doors and found the same note.

Once they all knew that something was up. They waited patiently for the sun to rise. Once it did, Rex came in through the front door.

"Hey." Rex waved.

Everyone was displeased with Rex's entrance. They wanted at least a decent good morning but knowing that there was a vote. The women held their tongues for now.

"The vote is simple and the rules are on the paper. Just make sure to place the votes inside the hat so I can not tell who chose what. In case of a tie, my vote will either break it or cause more trouble for us." Rex handed out the papers.

Rex went and sat down on the couch before everyone opened their papers. When everyone saw the choices they were shocked.

Olivia saw the choice to fight against the heavens. She did not know how this choice came to be but she did not want Rex to fight. So she chose for Rex to perform a Soul Mate.

Iris knew that Rex would eventually fight the heavens anyways. So she decided to make it happen sooner than later. Iris also knew that Liz would choose that too.

Liz knew the same things that Iris knew. So she also chose to fight against the heavens.

Fenrir did not want to see his mate get hurt. He was also not one to fight much right now for his lack of power. He also did not want to become a Soul Tame, the choice was obvious. He chose Soul Mate.

Sachie looked at it and did not know which one to choose. She feared that Rex would die from fighting. She wanted her sister to be happy but due to her drinking. Everyone but Rex knew her deepest feelings. Olivia came up and whispered to follow your heart. Sachie decided to help Rex fight against the heavens so she could always be with her beloved family.

"We are done in here." Olivia raised her voice.

Rex went in and grabbed the hat.

"The first choice is," Rex pulled one out of the hat and sat it down before opening the paper, "To fight against the heavens."

Everyone looked at Rex with profound greatness.

"Second choice is," Rex grabbed the second one, "To perform a Soul Mate."

Fenrir gave a small howl. He was happy that his choice had come out in the open. Everyone chuckled lightly. This made Fenrir upset.

"Third choice is," Rex went in and grabbed it, "To fight against the heavens."

With two out of three votes fighting against the heavens. The group knew that the final choice that Rex had made was that one.

"There is no need for the last choices. You already had decided to fight right?" Iris said.

"I had." Rex was honest.

"Then what was this point?" Olivia asked.

"The Goddesses talked to me last night. They would not tell me when it appeared on my Quest but told me to ask you all. So I decided to see what your thoughts were on the matter." Rex answered.

"Thank you so much. I Love You." Iris went and kissed Rex on the lips.

"Just because you announced your love does not give you the right to kiss." Liz said pulling Iris away and kissing Rex herself. "I love you also Rex."

Sachie found them funny. She wanted to enjoy being with her Rex and her sister the most in life now. Seeing how the young maidens act, she did not mind then joining the family too.