Chapter 100 Earth in peril pt 2

A feeling of Qi surge filled Iris' body. Anytime she ever felt it, it was because someone else was using Water affinity to do something in the Realm she was in.

Where was she now? On Earth, the only person she knew that could manipulate water at this level was Rex.

"Let me see what is happening first." Iris thought.

That thought was the downward spiral that would lead her to nearly destroy everything in her path.

Why was that? It took her nearly six hours to reach the coast. With each passing second, her anger would increase by folds.

Each person smiled as if nothing mattered in the world. This only increases her anger. The cars kept nearly hitting angry Iris. If it was not for her keeping an aura around her. The cars would have already hit her.

This did not increase her anger but the time that it took to reach the coast. With each car, it always took the police thirty minutes to reach the destination. Once they did, it took another fifteen minutes to get her story before moving on.

Finally, she reached the coast. She was so angry, that she no longer cared about why she was there. Until she felt a huge amount of Qi. It was there that she knew, Rex was unconsciously using the oceans and seas to do something. What it was? She did not know.

She called Liz and informed her about what Rex was doing. Liz knew that unconscious Qi use was something uncommon in the Realms. Here on Earth, it was something that would not happen.

Liz decided to believe in Iris. She went and tried to wake up Rex. Rex was not waking up.

Iris used everything in her power to calm the oceans and seas. It was to no avail but she kept trying until Rex woke up.

Liz started to slap Rex. With each slap, she would increase the amount of Qi she used. Hoping that the Qi would wake Rex up.


"What is missing?" Rex cried out loud.

The heavens seemed to be in agony like Rex was. The rain kept pouring down, it would be harder at times. The feeling of missing was so large, Rex could not do anything but cry.

"Have you cried enough?" A feminine voice asked.

Rex looked around. He could not see anyone and just threw it to the side.

"Brother Rex, have you cried enough?" The voice seemed closer this time.

Looking around again, he still could not see anyone. Knowing that someone did call him, he just allowed the person to come.

"Please help me."

A little girl appeared. She looked no older than five. Wearing a white striped robe, the strips were purple and red.

"I cannot remember." Rex said.

The girl smiled. She knew that Rex would not be able to remember her. She wanted to see him again.

"Do not worry Brother Rex. You cannot remember me but I will always remember you. You put your life on the line for me." The girl cheered.

"Then why do I not remember?"

"This battlefield was a place that brought enemies together to fight one man." The girl looked Rex in the eyes, "The promise you made, you kept. The promise I made, I failed to keep. With that, I died. We both knew that was going to be the result regardless but you made sure to keep fighting. Making the enemies fear that they had made the wrong mistake. Your axe sent more than seventy-eight thousand heads flying into the air."

The girl seemed to replay the fight scene in her mind. It was so joyful to her that it made her cry.

"My last moments and seeing the country, I loved dear vanish. It was wonderful because they betrayed me." The rain seemed to stop and her tears rolled faster.

"I cannot be with you like I wanted. Seeing that you were able to control water at such great lengths, I had to see you."

The girl stood up.

"Brother Rex, please use the water to calm my Soul." The girl pleaded.

Knowing that someone or something was trying to stir him. Rex steadied himself up. He was not sure about the amount of time he had. It was not for him, but it would be his Qi to act up and wake him up.

"Allow me to be at peace." The girl said.

Rex looked up at the sky and the rain poured. Rex controlled it to fall on the girl.

Rex looked and saw a devilish smile on the girl.

"Thanks for the meal." A demonic voice came from the girl.

Rex darted up. He felt his heart was about to burst. Liz saw that Rex began sweating profusely. The temperature in the room was cool and she was not using her Fire affinity.

"Rex what happened?"

Rex felt his heart being squeezed.

"No more." Rex released his Qi.

The oceans and seas rose into the air. Rex rushed outside. Opening his front door, the little girl was outside.

"Thanks for a meal of a lifetime." The girl's demonic voice spoke.

Rex grabbed the girl by the shirt.

"If you want to fight, you got one."

Fire started to spread from Rex's body. It started yellowishly and instantly became white, within seconds of the flames becoming white they turned blue.

The sun glistened on Rex's left side and the moon and stars on Rex's right. The left side seemed to have Holy Qi on it. The right seemed to have Dark Qi.

"I am the Yin." The Dark side of Rex seemed to shake the planet.

The girl smiled hard. She did not know what was about to happen but she was going to enjoy the show.

"I am the Yang." The Light side of Rex seemed to calm the people.

"Keeping everyone calm while the planet is going to be destroyed. I LIKE THAT!" The girl screamed at the end.

She got a fist made up and Rex did the same. When the two collided, the water molecules started to rip apart.

Thousands upon thousands of fish died and fell into the deep open floor. Anything made by humans, in the oceans and seas, was also shattered by the punch.

"Time to turn it up a notch." The girl shouted.

Rex stood there ready for the fight.