Chapter 108

"Fight?" Rex questioned.

The Sect Leaders looked at Rex and understood where he came from. They too felt the same way.

"No need to answer the question, Rex. Always keep that mentality." Maximum replied.

The women all looked at Maximum weirdly. They could not understand where he was coming from.

The Sect Leaders began to chuckle lightly. They would not answer the questions Liz and Iris were asking.

Without answering their questions, the trio began to ask Sachie some themselves.

"We are going to build three different cities. Each one will be run by one of us. The main difference between the three cities: one will have the only public school, one will have the underground assassination group, and the last one we have not thought of. What do you personally think, Sachie?" Demon asked.

With an underground assassination group, Darkily looked at the group of men. He understood where they were coming from. He hoped not to be the leader of them.

Olivia hoped that her sister would make the Self-defense class in one city. This way each of them is in a different city. They can communicate with each other.

Sachie looked at the men and said, "What about the entrance into the three cities?"

The men liked that idea. They also wanted each city to have its entrance. Once the men began thinking about it, they decided against it.

Olivia was the next one to be asked. She answered with the Self-defense classes. The trio should be in each city like the Sect Leaders.

The men applauded Olivia. This was a really good answer. Having each one in a different city meant communication could be in two different directions. They thought about it and easily dismissed it because the Self-defense class was already scheduled to be with the main school. The idea of having each of them in a different city remained unquestioned.

Darkily got asked. He passed it to Rex because he wanted to be the last one to answer.

Rex answered, "What about the last city have a bus system that goes to all three cities? During the day, one of these great friends of mine runs it, and at night goes to either the school or the underground assassination group."

The men laughed because it was simply like what Sachie and Olivia said. The men were proud that Sachie and Olivia had the same mentality as Rex.

"Granted. Although it is similar to what Sachie said. We can also use it for people in the assassination group, take people to school, have the Self-defense class be bodyguards, and it will only come from the last city." The men were laughing at such a great idea.

Everyone looked at the men. Even Darkily had a different impression of them. A simple suggestion turned into a glorious path.

With that, the men saw The Wyvern come back. Rex waved proudly at his friend coming down.

"Looky here," The Wyvern started before transforming, "What do we have here?" The Dragonborn smiled.

"These guys are my family's friends. I hope that you will treat them like you do me." Rex bowed.

The Dragonborn smiled. He liked Rex and wanted to see how his daughter was doing.

"Your daughter is going through a rebirth currently. I am sorry to say that you cannot see her." Rex answered unhappily.

Everyone stood there in silence.

"Oh well, next time then." The Dragonborn said with sadness on his face but not in his voice.

He looked to the Sect Leaders and said, "I have a thousand wyverns willing to help carry the materials for the walls. Out of that thousand, only two hundred and twelve will help bring housing materials."

The Sect Leaders were pleased with the numbers. The women around also felt that it was generous of the wyverns to help this much.

"Okay. What about the underground assassination group?" Darkily asked.

"You are the leader." Rex answered.

The Sect Leaders, the women, and the Dragonborn looked at Rex and with a solid look knew that Rex had already known the answer.

"Why me though?" Darkily questioned.

"You are Rex's friend, you have more than enough assassinations under your belt, and finally who else could our daughters trust but you." Life-giver complimented.

Darkily felt bad for gaining this much trust. He did not even want to spend this much time with the group but yet here he was gaining more fame and he did not want it.

"Please no. I do not want to train, observe, or lead anyone. I did what I did because Rex made a bet. I would rather not do that. I have enjoyed my time with you, so goodbye." Darkily bowed and turned around.

The Sect Leaders were upset that he left. Rex shook his head no and the Sect Leaders just allowed him to go.

Rex felt to walk with Darkily.

Rex wrapped his arm around Darkily. Darkily looked at Rex and wondered why he came.

"I know you want to leave. I will grant you your wish. I do need you to help pick someone who can lead the underground assassination group. We will train him or her in an assassination. We can train that person in moving information around. We need you to start it up until that person can lead. Will you please do this for me?" Rex pleaded.

"I can train that person to send the information needed out but I will not be responsible for leading the group. I will just be the founder until a person is found. Will you be alright with that?" Darkily asked.

"Of course. We can go back and let the others know." Rex answered happily and joyfully.

The two began to walk back. The others saw Rex glowing. No one knew why Rex could glow so profoundly.

A/N Sorry for not posting during the weekend. Work has been crazy and my hours were terrible. I am hoping for a better week in both writing and work. I hope you all have a great week.