Chapter 121 Learning the truth pt 3

Once I checked my notification, I felt a world of pain was coming.

"We hope that you will forgive our trespasses. Although my body is yours, I hope you will forgive my sister." The Heavenly Soldier bowed and cried.

The Heavenly Guard just watched the Heavenly Soldier cry. I knew that she was hurting as well, but I had to figure out what happened.

"What happened?" I asked.

The women looked at each other. They themselves did not know what happened.

"You got into a trance and when you woke up. Each Heavenly and Mortal Realm was shaking with excitement. Apparently, there is a new Heavenly Rider or Heavenly Legionaire now." The Heavenly Soldier replied.

Seeing that the decision to become a Heavenly Rider affected the Realms. I decided to let them know what happened to me.

"Can I trust you two to keep a secret?" I asked.

The Heavenly Guard looked at me joyfully and replied, "We have fully recognized you as a powerful entity. If you desire us to do something, we will do it. If you desire us to love you, we have to love you."

Hearing that they know have to follow my commands. I decided to let them know the truth.

"While I was massaging your breasts, I felt myself enter into a pool of water. At first, six figures were behind a shady figure. As the figure spoke, I felt that a choice had to be made. When my choice came through, the shady figure told me that I had become a Heavenly Rider."

I wanted to hide a few facts from them. I did not want everything to spill out for emergency reasons.

"YOU SAW THE HEAVENLY CHOICE!" The women backed away from me.

"Why does that matter?" I asked.

"In order to do that, four requirements have to be made. First, be in the Heavenly Realms. You are currently not in them. Second, you have to feel Heavenly Qi." I held my finger up while the Heavenly Guard spoke.

"I felt your Heavenly Qi while massaging your breasts." I answered.

The women's jaws dropped because feeling the Heavenly Qi is something that takes years to do.

"I need to continue. Third, you have to make an impact in a Mortal Realm." I held my finger up again.

"The First Mortal Realm, I did make an impact." I responded.

The women hit their foreheads. The duo did not know what to think about the man in front of them.

"All right, let me finish. Lastly, you need to have a connection with the Ninth Mortal Realm." The Heavenly Guard finished.

"My parents are currently living in the Ninth Mortal Realm."

The women felt like tearing off their clothes and forcing themselves on Rex. Even though Rex would not like it, he could not fight these women yet.

"The decision to travel can wait. Once you enter the Heavenly Realm, we will have to become your concubines either way." The Heavenly Guard said with a saddened voice.

I felt that they were sad because they wanted to be with me. Being with me willingly versus the forced to be with me. I could not allow them to be forced. I also knew that I could not just rely on them in just the Mortal Realms. If I did, then what about the Heavenly Realms. It was not only that, I did not want the women to feel like they had to protect me now.

I held my head up and decided to speak for the bottom of my heart, "I know that you two have a lot to take in now. I want you both to know that. Even if the women around me will accept you traveling with us. I do not want you two to always protect me."

I took a breath. I did not want to shatter them completely right now.

"If I do get into serious life-saving trouble, I do want you two to help me. I do not think that will affect me until the Ninth Realm. Please make sure that you do listen to this request of mine."

The women both came up to me and kissed a cheek each.

"A request is the same as an order. Please do not worry about our lives. They are yours to throw away. Even a stampede in the Sixth Mortal Realm can injure us. Even if we have to conceal our presences, we still want to travel and be of use to you." The Heavenly Guard said.

"My life is worthless compared to hers. So I truly do want you to use her more than myself. I am a mere woman who is supposed to die anyway." The Heavenly Soldier said.

Hearing the two speak their minds, I then forced them to speak about the town.

"We arrived there shortly after the mayor was killed. Upon his death, the neighboring cities all packed up and left. All trade got destroyed, any income that the stores got died, and people relied on each other to survive and thrive. A few months later, they wanted to die. Nothing around them even scared them. Even the worst stampede they had was not even to kill three guards." The Heavenly Soldier stated.

"We promised them death, although it had to be once the niece of the waitress grew older. The townspeople were satisfied with that. For years, most of them forgot the promise of death. That was until some men got tired of waiting. They tried to kill the niece, which triggered the townspeople to murder anyone and everyone who dared to hurt the pride of the town." The Heavenly Guard continued.

"Finally, your group arrived. At first, we thought nothing of you. Seeing the little girl and the waitress like each of you. We told the townsfolk that someone in that group would destroy the town. We hoped that the townsfolk would be satisfied with that."

"They were until we had to force Elizabeth to become an enemy. That hurt the people, they wanted to die peacefully, not in a fight. The men forced themselves to become enemies of the few girls who needed the protection. A few men decided to let the waitress survive also, and this idea got accepted quickly." The Heavenly Guard finished her part.

"I was going to sound the alarm. A couple of men stopped me. The only reason why I felt so sad during my time there was that It was simply because the people died smiling. While being burned alive, the smile of happiness from their Souls was on everyone's face." The Heavenly Soldier finished her part.

"Since I knew you had a house in Lumi. I decided to wait for you there." The Heavenly Guard said.

"Liz destroyed a town because I got hit with a dart?" I asked.

The two nodded.

I felt ashamed that a town wanted to die, and yet I could not help. Here is a deep friend whom I consider having a Soul Mate with. She went and destroyed a town because of something small.

I truly do not know what lies ahead. I have to get everything together so that the girls that are in my life. Do not have to hurt or kill anyone who would threaten or hurt me personally.