Chapter 157 Rex leaves

Rex went back upstairs after a long day of arguing about not leaving. He wanted to be by himself while he tried to figure out where to go.

"Perhaps." Rex came up with an idea.

"We just conquer Africa first, but it would be a disaster to have more powerful beasts on the plains." Rex dismissed.

"If we go to Japan first, I could make my house my home. That is what I am going to do." Rex said.

He grabbed a paper and pen and wrote it down. He did not have much hope of it being the first place to completely conquer, but it would be a nice investment for the future.

"If I go to Europe first, I can get some nice places under my belt. That would just increase my desires. I wonder what would happen if I made bases at those places after I fully become a Demon King?"

Rex wrote down the highlights in Europe.

"South America does have a few cities. The Amazon would be greatly appreciated if controlled by me."

Rex wrote that down.

"Of course, we can not leave out all of the goodies in Asia. What better way to control something than to get the Great Wall?"

Rex wrote that down. He genuinely wanted the entire Great Wall under his command. It could be used in both defense and offense against those outside the wall or inside the wall.

"I need transportation to make anything work. Since I know my Demonic Qi and Heavenly Qi can be used for electronics. I wonder if they could be used in vehicles?"

Rex wrote that down.

"Your desire has grown. 1.3% at 5%, you will experience a new desire."

Rex went to sleep once his body finally collapsed, trying to think where to go.

That night, Rex had a dream

In the middle of a vast plains

Stood a massive Vine covered Wall

Rex could tell that something was amiss. The closer he got to the wall. The more he felt something dangerous on the inside.

"This feeling is not good."

Rex turned around. There was an old, crumbling wall behind him. The closer he got to it. The more relaxed he felt.

"This wall is better than that one. I do not think I want to be too relaxed."

Looking around, there was nothing else around. Rex went and stood in front of the old, crumbling wall.

He saw pictographs of someone who looked mighty. His sword had people bowing on the front side. On the back side, people ran.

Rex was feeling extremely relaxed. He kept his guard up and finished looking at the wall.

Once the entire wall had been examined. He darted across the plains. To the center when he first entered the dream. To his surprise, that was the only spot that made him feel normal.

Rex tried to cultivate inside his dream but failed. He felt better trying than not. He got up and examined the other wall.

It had similar pictographs. There was a major difference. On the front side, no people were seen bowing. Instead, people looked afraid of the sword.

Rex did not know what to think of these walls. He knew it had to do with his desires. He was able to stay longer by the Vine covered wall than the old, crumbling wall.

He returned back to the center. He could feel sweat pouring down his back. When he turned around, he felt something was about to eat him from the Vine covered Wall.

He turned around and felt at peace with the old, crumbling wall. Nothing made sense to him.

When he tried to wake up, his body shut would not allow him. It did not matter if it was hurting himself or trying to count and wake up.

Rex did not notice the Vine covered Wall suddenly take a human form. It was heading towards him.

"Greetings, young Demon King."

Rex turned around and found a human-shaped Vine covered being.

"Do not worry, young one. For we both know who you are."

Rex turned his head to see if the wall was still there. The being sidestepped for Rex. Rex noticed the wall was still there. The vines were not. The wall looked majestic.


Rex could not help but say.

"Hey, kiddo."

Rex turned around and saw an elderly being behind him.

Rex did the same thing to look at the other wall. The elderly being sidestepped for Rex.

The other wall looked majestic, but this wall instinctively made Rex bow.

"There is no need for that." The elderly being said.

"He has not gotten the requirements for being a Saint yet. There is still time if we won't a Demon King and Saint." The Vine covered being said.

Rex got up and looked at both of them side by side. Rex could faintly see outlines of something else. He thought it could be swords but dismissed the idea.

"Previous Saints and Demon Kings have seen us. They forged their weapons and shields with us. Make sure you remember that. I also know that your desires are stronger than previous Desire Demon Kings. I will personally visit you again when the time is right." The Vine covered being said.

Rex then watched the beings walk back to their walls and transform them back to their former condition.

Rex felt himself waking up. Rex did not want to leave this dream yet. Rex tried to use every Qi he had, but nothing worked.

When Rex fully woke up, it was 3:28 in the morning.

Rex felt a deadly roar. The roar was filled with Heavenly, Demonic, and Mortal Qi. Not only did it shake the base, but nearly the entire region known has Egypt.

Rex could not help being in agony. He did not know who the two beings were. He felt that he needed more knowledge.

Rex's heart was hurt. He felt that when he woke up. Someone tore a desire away from him.

Lilith and Bella both rushed into Rex's room. They used their Demonic Qi to help calm down Rex. It took them almost to ten in the morning for Rex to finally calm down.

Rex was breathing heavily. The duo wanted to know what happened.

Rex happily told him about his dream. He did not leave out any part. Lilith did not understand the dream but knowing Rex. She figured it had to do with the Saint's and Demon King's weapons or shields.

Once Rex got done narrating the dream, it was 10:18. Rex, Lilith, and Bella all got up and took a bath together.

Bella had just left her new black laced panties on. She gently scrubbed her Master's and Mistress's bodies.

She got up and grabbed something from under the sink. Rex saw the curves of her behind and the shape of her forbidden hole. This got Rex excited. Lilith noticed but was not worried.

Bella came back and helped Rex's member calm down. She scrubbed his body off again once his member had calmed down. It was almost noon before Rex left the others in Egpyt.