Chapter 160 On the Ocean pt 1

With the ship now stocked and ready. Rex took down their current abode. He placed it inside the bottom level of the ship.

The duo raised the door up. The Spider Queen went up to the deck.

She watched Rex make sure everything was set and ready for take off. Since everything on the bottom floor and deck were ready. Rex went to the second floor and made sure everything there was ready. Since everything was ready, he went back and set the stairway on the side.

He jumped down, and the Spider Queen took the helm. She was expecting a very hard push out to the sea. Rex did not push hard at all.

He got it going and continued to push it to the open ocean.

"Turn the helm a singular way." Rex shouted.

The Spider Queen turned the helm to the left first. Rex watched the rudder turn while the helm was spinning.

"Turn it the other way." Rex shouted back.

The Spider Queen got the helm to stop spinning. She then began to spin the helm the other way.

Rex had tied the two ends of the thread at different places on the rudder. What Rex was watching was the pull of the rope.

He did not want to waste time making gears for now. That would be the first upgrade on the ship when he landed on another continent.

Rex was pleased that the rope was good enough to get the rudder turning. He could have tied it on the sand. He was afraid that the sand would cause the rudder to break.

Rex used his Water Qi to strengthen the rudder. He could not have it breaking during a bad storm.

Once that was done, he jumped on the deck. With a smile on their faces, the duo enjoyed the time ocean.

The day out on the ocean

Rex wanted to go all out and get momentum going. The Spider Queen stopped him.

She wanted to see what kind of wonders were in the oceans. The duo just let the waters guide them. If there was land, Rex would turn the helm. He wanted the Spider Queen to enjoy the oceans for as long as possible.

Rex caught many different kinds of Heavenly Fish. Each one has a different advantage over the other.

Rex decided to catch multiple of the several fish he had caught. He made ten more crates, completely emptying the extra wood he had.

He filled those ten with ocean water. He placed the newly found fish inside of them.

"Carnival Tuna"

"This slick fish can swim at nearly 72 kph or 45 mph. During a storm, the fish can actually hit 100 kph or 62 mph."

"Carnival Tuna meat could fetch thousands of gold coins in the Mortal Realms. In the Heavenly Realm, it is worth just barely a gold coin. The meat is too fishy for most people in the Heavenly Realms."

"King's Swordfish"

"The King's Swordfish does not swim fast. It swims for long periods of time to ensure the safety of low number fish. Nothing dares to fight against the King's Swordfish because there is never just eight around."

"The King's Swordfish meat will not get any money anywhere. Once the King's Swordfish dies, there is a toxin that the body naturally releases to ensure that it goes to the bottom of the ocean."

"Pink Snapping Fish"

"It gets his name from the color of its teeth once it has grown to be three days old. The pinkish color comes from the blood that stains the teeth. It is a carnivorous fish that will eat any fish that has already died."

"The Pink Snapping Fish meat is not worth much in the Realms. This is mainly due to the meat being hard to get. The fish is mainly bones with little meat until it has completely matured at the age of 8 years. Once it has matured, the meat will be worth 2 gold coins in the Mortal Realm. Nothing in the Heavenly Realm due to the meat being extremely tough."

"Queen's Forite Bluefish"

"The Queen's Forite Bluefish can easily navigate any body of water. When following a Queen's Forite Bluefish, one can easily lose it due to it blending in with the body of water."

"The Queen's Forite Bluefish's meat is worth 1 platinum coin in the Mortal Realm. It is worth 95 gold coins in the Heavenly Realm. If an auction is being held and these fish are up for grabs in the Mortal Realm, the price tag will be limitless. In the Heavenly Realm, these live fish will usually go between 50-100 platinum coins."

"Heavenly Ocean Snake"

"The Heavenly Ocean Snake tends to live either by bays or in the middle of the ocean. It will travel hundreds of miles within a matter of days just to find a comfortable home."

"The Heavenly Ocean Snake's meat is worthless. The scales on it are constantly growing. In the Mortal Realms, these scales will be used to make anything hard and durable. The price tag on the scales is at least 50 gold coins. In the Heavenly Realm, it is worth more in the First Heavenly Realm at a whooping 45 gold coins. Nothing beats good armor there, once a person has ascended. There are better options making this more for decorations."

Rex inspected the first four fish had obtained and found them funny. He did not know that these fish were actually quite fun to read about.

That is when Rex stopped, and his eyes widened up huge. He never thought that he was still currently logged into the game.

Rex climbed the ladder fast. He came out on the deck. He focused his eyes on the sea.

His legs started to tremble, and his arms were shaking. The Spider Queen quickly jumped unto Rex's head and saw fear covering his face.

"REX!" The Spider Queen shouted several times before Rex's body gave out.

The color on Rex's face lost all of its color. The pale face of Rex told the Spider Queen something bad either happened or was about to happen.

She glanced out across the ocean. She saw a massive body fly to the air.

When it crashed back into the sea. The waves were nearly a hundred feet tall.

The Spider Queen rushed to the helm and spun the helm as quickly as she could.

The wave casted a shadow over the ship.

The wave started to come down on the ship.