Chapter 189 The Mistress of the Shadow

In the Fifth Heavenly Realm

"How is Lilith doing?" A figure asked behind a door.

"She has found her a husband. That man is currently on track to become a Demon King of Desire." A Shadow replied.

"How strong is that man?"

"He is currently weilding a weapon stronger than a Wondrous Weapon." The Shadow replied.

"What about the news of a new Heavenly Realm?"

"It is true. It is extremely difficult to enter. The man can easily enter it without question." The Shadow answered.

"Anything special about that, Realm?"

"So far, the only people there are Lilith, her husband Rex, and their maid. Soni is a fairy from the Fairy Lands. The Spider Queen is currently in a Soul Tame with Rex." The Shadow replied.

"Is it Soul Tame or Soul Partner?"

"We believe it is a Soul Tame. If we learn differently, we will let you know." The Shadow replied.

"I have more questions. Rest first and return later."

"Of course. My Mistress of the Shadow." The Shadow disappeared.

Behind the door was a small giggle once the coast was clear.

"I just cannot wait!" The figure appeared exiting the room.

It was the First Seat Holder. It was in the man form.

"Although, I hate being a man. At least I can remain in the Seat Holder selection. If people found out about me." His eyes turned lifeless. "Oh dear me."

He blinked his eyes.

He went and threw water on his face. He began the trek to his normal seat. It was not long, but she had already loved Rex.

"I hope he has a Soul Partner with the Spider Queen. I would hate for it to be a Soul Tame." He thought.

Now he sat down on his seat. He was always the first one there. The last one to leave every day.

He wanted someone to fight him like Rex fought in him in her form. That honestly made her like him a lot.

"Sir, Deathholder is wanting to talk to you." A butler informed the First Seat Holder through a nite.

"Reply to him this." He was not in a mood to talk.

"That is the usual response. It feels different this time." Deathholder said, walking in.

"What?" The First Seat Holder was not happy.

"I just wanted to let you know. I believe it is time for you to venture into the new Heavenly Realm." Deathholder said.

"Why me?" He asked.

On the inside, "I COULD ACTUALLY GET A GOOD LOVING FROM HIM! NOT ONLY THAT I WILL ALSO GET TO FIGHT!" As a man currently, she could feel the man's tightness.

She had never had anything to do with before. It was part of her duty. Unlike Lilith, who just could not find the right man. She had to keep herself pure.

"The answer is obvious. You are the current First Seat Holder and," he whispered, "the Mistress of the Shadow." Deathholder finished.

That made her mad. Although Deathholder made many connections. He only learned that she was the Mistress because of an assassination.

He linked the two together. He went and confirmed the details. She could not fight Deathholder, but she made sure that his lips were tight.

"Fine." Her response was an angry one.

"Do not worry. No one will fight you for your seat holder position. If they decide to, I will welcome their death." His eyes began to fall out.

"I am sorry." He put his eyes back in.

When she looked into Deathholder's eye sockets. She knew that his life was coming to an end. She did not know when.

"How long until you officially die?" She asked.

"I still have a few years ahead of me. I will not know what the future will hold when I die. I have been keeping peace around here with the other families. I hope they do not try to backstab what I have been doing here for millennials of years." Deathholder replied.

She knew that most of the families were being held back by Deathholder himself. His bloodline can die twice before dying permanently.

She did not know when his first life ended. Neither could he, but the moment his first life ended was when the other families felt fear from the Deathholder Family.

Now that he was close to permanent death. The other families could become threatening again. This was something that Deathholder did not want.

"At least travel with Rex. I know you already sent some Shadows to be his and Lilith's side." Deathholder whispered.

A sideways smile appeared on her face. She was ready to fight Deathholder for that knowledge. Since she was not officially with any of the families. Her title has First Seat Holder would be in jeopardy.

"I shall take my leave and let you think about it for now." Deathholder said.

He walked out of the room. He looked at his hands, which had blue blood.

"I have little time. Much less than what she needs." Deathholder thought.

He quickly went to go make plans to help secure her spot for the future. He was not sure if her identity would get revealed or not.

"I guess I will l follow Rex for a week." The First Seat Holder told the butler.

"I will make preparations for your departure." The butler left.

"I wonder what the others will think." She began to write a letter.

She wrote, "Deathholder has asked me to train with Rex. My time will be a week there. If I find it worthwhile, I will tell Rex to accept training the rest of you there. I will be leaving by the end of the day."

She left the letter on a table in the room.

When she opened the door.

"First Seat Holder. What are you doing?" This was a young man from one of the families.

"I am here and exiting. Why do you hinder me?" He asked.

"Nothing special. I heard that Deathholder is dying. I want to claim that head in front of you. Will you do me the favor and watch the match tomorrow?" He asked.

"Actually, Deathholder asked me to visit Rex and train with him. If I find the training worthwhile, I needed to let the others also train there." He replied.

"I will wait for good news. I would also like to visit Rex, myself." He emphasized myself.

The Mistress knew why but decided to keep it to herself for now.

"Now then, please excuse me." The man walked away with a glint in his eyes.

The Mistress knew that Deathholder was not going to last until she returned. When she got to her room, she made several Shadows follow Deathholder.

They were not happy about the order. It was to protect her position until she returned and could fight with maximum power.

"I can maybe do it for two weeks maximum." The calculations were ticking.

"I have to hurry." She went to get some items.

Once she packed, she headed straight for the portal. Her exit has the First Seat Holder made her announce that she was visiting Rex for training. He hoped to be back within a week to let another Seat Holder go as well.

The people in the arena cheered. That could make some of the new cultivators train even harder themselves.

In a room that could overlook the arena

"How long do you think he will be gone for?" The man asked a woman.

"I do not know." She replied.

"Well, torture is my family's secret. I guess it won't do you any good. I have friends higher than the Mistress of your Shadows." The man's eyes went wild with fury.