Chapter 192 The Scarlet Sky

In the Fifth Heavenly Realm

The moon started to rise. It was not the normal moon. It was scarlet. Once, the roundness was completely over the horizon. The entire sky turned scarlet.

It did not end just there. Every Heavenly, Mortal, and Demon Realms, including Earth. All skies were scarlet.

Inside the arena

"The Shadow Clan is angry. They are going on a slaughter. This is the fourth time in their entire history." A butler told Deathholder.

"I never would have thought that I would witness such a wonderful moment in my life." Deathholder told the butler.

The butler began sweating. He did not know why Deathholder would call a massacre such a wonderful moment. He hoped that whoever was going to die tonight died in a very peaceful way.

Shadows all over the Heavenly Realm responded to the scarlet sky with fury. This was their que to rampage against their enemies. They were not sure who was responsible for the scarlet sky. They were sure the night would end beautifully.

Inside a house in the Fourth Heavenly Realm

"I see. So it was all your son's doing?" The Shadow was the Mistress.

"Yes. So please do not hurt my baby." A beautiful young woman was holding a newborn baby.

"I am sorry." The next moment, the mother's head went flying. Just a smack with the Common Grade sword was enough to kill the newborn baby.

The Mistress picked up the mother's head and baby. She covered them with her shadow.

She walked to the next room. There were two sisters inside there.

"What is your brother's name?" The Mistress asked.

"I do not fear death." One of the sisters stood up.

The Mistress quickly swung her sword. The girl's head went flying. The body fell over, and the other girl started to cry. The Mistress quickly put her to the afterlife.

Once both heads were inside her shadow. She continued to the next room.

There were three brothers inside.

"What is your brother's name?" The Mistress asked.

"Fuck," before one of them could finish his head went flying off.

The others held each other. They had seen creatures die but not people. The Mistress got put up with them. She sent them quickly to the afterlife.

She went to the final room on the floor. Inside was the head of the family tied up on a chair. There were six Shadows surrounding him.

"What is your son's name that is hurting my clan?" The Mistress asked.

One of the Shadows untied the rope from his mouth.

"EAT SHIT FUCKER!" His final words were.

Once, the family head's was inside the Mistress's shadow.


Every Shadow quickly got all the photos. The last photo had a solid picture of the son.

"Finally, we will put an end to all people who want to become our enemies." The Mistress held the Common Grade sword.

The group went to the arena.

A few minutes later

Several shadows were seen inside the arena. Although matches at night were more common for smaller cultivators. Seeing the sheer number of shadows. No one wanted to be on their bad side.

The Mistress pulled out a photo.

"I am looking for this man. Whoever brings him will be rewarded with two million arena currency." The Mistress showed the photo across the Five Heavenly Realms.

The man who held the woman hostage was utterly stunned. His family should have destroyed all photos of him. He did not know why there was a photo left.

He hurried out to go get a mask. He was not ready to die. In the moment he left the room, he was knocked unconscious.

Three butlers picked up the man. They began their trek to the inside of the arena. People made sure that the person who made the Scarlet Sky got what he desired.

They hoped and prayed that their loved ones were safe and unharmed.

Finally, the moment arrived when the three butlers came out with the man. The Shadows quickly gathered around them. They had to be certain that this was truly the man their Mistress wanted.

"This is the man." Several shadows came around.

"Reward each butler with two million arena currency each." The Mistress ordered.

The shocking news that each of them got two million arena currency. This made people wonder what the man had done.

Inside the room where the hostage was

"Thank you, sisters." The woman got unbound.

There was no response. The woman felt that she was hated that she got caught.

She went to see what was in the next room. She did not see or hear anyone ever from the inside of it.

When she opened the door, there was another woman bound up. She went and unbounded her.

"I take it you are also," the woman began to ask.

The first lady nodded. This made the second woman feel better. There was something nagging her.

"Did you ever hear anyone yelling or crying?" The second lady asked.

"Never." She replied.

The duo went out and asked the shadows, "Was there ever a third person captured?"

The news that there were more than two shocked these shadows. They began to bust down everything in sight.

Inside the arena

The Mistress dumped water until the man was from her shadow. No one could see her. Everyone knew that this Shadow was extremely important.

"Filth." The Mistress said.

The man finally opened his eyes. He saw several shadows almost dancing over him. He felt that whatever was going to happen was not good.

"Let this night be a reminder to all people who want to make enemies out of the Shadow Clan." The Mistress declared.

The Shadows were extremely happy to see their leader hold out against extreme pressure.

"I may be a monster for doing this," the heads from the man's family came out, and finally, the baby too, "The real monster is the man who let me borrow this weapon."

She showed the Common Grade Sword that Lilith and Rex used. She stabbed it into the ground.

"Ryuu the Heavenly Wrath Sword, hold down this man."

Two ocean blue eyes opened in the Scarlet Sky. The figure of Ancient Dragon was seen descending upon the arena. It morphed into the sword and laid down on the back of the man.

"Rex had already forged this sword before coming here. If he had openly used this sword. There would not be a Fifth Heavenly Realm." The Mistress declared.

Her booming voice made even the outside of the arena stop. They were afraid of the Ancient Dragon, hearing that no more Fifth Heavenly Realm was a totally different game.

The man was trying to say anything, but no words came out. He wanted to cry, but no tears fell. He wanted to run, but the weight from the Mythic Grade Sword was too much.

"Ryuu, Crush Him," the Mistress ordered.

Without missing a beat, blood splatter was all that was seen. Everything else had been burned away.

"The sword is something that Rex himself fears. I will not allow him to fear something that will be put to great use. If anyone wants to fight, come now or forever remain good in my presence." The Mistress declared.

Not a single Soul moved an inch towards the arena. Although, only people who had been to the Fifth Heavenly Realm could move there. No one moved and held the children and teenagers back from attempting to get close.

"Very well. Ryuu, let us go home."

The hilt of the blade wrapped around the shadow of the Mistress's wrist. Her grip on the hilt showed Nobility and Honor. A single swipe burned the blood and heads of the family.

This was to showcase the final death of the family. The shadows whipped out in disappearance. The only who did not completely vanish was the Mistress.

She went to where the others were taken.

The group had just reached the final wall to bust down when the Mistress came in. The group finished what they were doing.

The scene of a woman who had a Shadow marking on her neck almost laughing was bad enough. Her body was opened up like a fish. Her organs had been toyed with.

Behind her was 'No Secrets from This Bitch'.

The rage that all of them felt was enough to make the entire top families crumble away. The Mistress held Ryuu the Heavenly Wrath Sword tightly. She wanted to wipe all of them out immediately. She looked at the sword and knew the monster who needed to do it.

"Rex, I have already gained a large debt. I hope I can enlarge it some more when you enter the Heavenly Realm."

The vibration coming from Ryuu was a gentle yet angry vibration. The Shadows gathered the body and the ones who had been held hostage.

They went home.