Chapter 242 Getting an uninvited invitation

In the Apex Layer

A layer of complete darkness would normally be seen. In this instance, a bluish color could be seen. This was the color of the reflection from a mirror.

"So that man not only dared to jump into this layer but also destroy the prototype with just a singular punch?" The voice heard was a man's.

If anyone were to currently see him. He was wearing a black cloak with a black mask. The cloak was big enough to cover his entire body and still have cloth dragging around. The same was for the arms.

As for the mask, it looked just like a cover. There is nothing special about it at all until a roar comes from behind the man.

"I know. You will not win against that man." The person replied.

Another roar came from the behind the man.

"We will not allow the other Apex creatures to dare defy what you and I have built. It is regrettable that we lost your son. I have full faith that we will triumph over the Apex Herbivore and Carnivore. With two of the major Apex creatures gone, we can slowly rebuild what we deem worthy." The man replied.

A saddened roar could be heard.

"You can cry all you want for your son. We will not be moving forward until this man leaves this Realm." The man replied.

The sound of rocks getting smashed was heard, and an invitation was lying in front of the masked man.

"Dear honored guest,

It is with a great heart that you get invited and are required to be at The Apex Calamity Battle. It will be hosted near the area where the Warrior Angelic Faction currently resides.

From the Host."

"This sucks." The man said.

In the building where Rex and the group are staying in

A letter arrived in Rex's room. He was unsure why a letter would be here now. He went and opened it up.

"Dear guest,

It is with a saddened heart that you will not participate in The Apex Calamity Battle. You will be able to watch the battle from up close or far away. The battle will take place close to the Warrior Angelic Faction area.

From the Host."

"I will not be able to fight?" Rex was quite angry.

He sat down, trying to figure out how to battle the Apex Predator before the match. His problem was that he did not know where the Apex Predator was going to come from.

"Perhaps someone else will be able to help me." An evil smile appeared.

Rex went back to the Apex Cliffside.

He shouted inside, "Apex Elemental, will you come talk to me?"

Rex had to shout it several times because the Apex Elemental was checking his own invitation.

The Apex Elemental's Invitation

"Dear honored guest,

It is with a great heart that you get invited to be at The Apex Calamity Battle. You currently are not required to fight. If someone does not show up. You will be forced to fight in the battle. It will be hosted near the area where the Warrior Angelic Faction currently resides.

From the Host."

"This invitation just sucks." The Apex Elemental said to his other elementals.

"Apex Elemental, will you come talk to me?" Rex shouted.

"What does that man want this time?" The Apex Elemental nearly blew himself.

Up on the cliffside

The Apex Elemental appeared in front of Rex.

"Why do you want to talk so badly?" The Apex Elemental was furious.

"I want to know if you got an invitation." Rex pulled his out.

The two exchanged invitations for just a moment before they returned to their rightful owners.

"A symbolic letter." Rex said.

The Apex Elemental narrowed his eyes. Someone who just entered the Third Realm should not have known of a symbolic letter, much less if one has never reached one before.

"What makes you think that this is a symbolic letter?" The Apex Elemental questioned.

"Simple. The letter did not stay away from the person for it." Rex answered.

Just like that, the Apex Elemental knew that Rex had more information but did not let it out.

"Fine. You will explain what you know to me later." The Apex Elemental crossed his arms.

"Okay." Rex shrugged it off.

He simply did it because he once had completed this Main Quest. He hoped to quickly leave and make it to the next Realm before the Apex Elemental had a chance to reply.

Rex led his letter out for the Apex Elemental to read. The Apex Elemental saw that Rex was only a bystander. This made him wonder why and how Rex got an invitation to begin with?

"It seems fate as sealed our destinies. I want to give everything to fight against the Apex Predator. It seems like I can not." The Apex Elemental said.

"Who said that?" Rex asked.

"Huh?" The Apex Elemental blinked in confusion.

Without letting Rex reply.

"What do you plan to do?" The Apex Elemental spoke angrily.

"Simple make it a multiple vs. one fight before the Apex Calamity Battle." Rex smiled.

The Apex Elemental felt shivers from the way Rex spoke. He did not know what to think of his logic.

"Who all will be in this fight?" The Apex Elemental did not want to know.

"You, me, people from my group, and No Other Apex creatures." Rex replied with stars in his eyes.

The Apex Elemental did not know what to think about Rex and his logic on the battle. The Apex Elemental thought that Rex was stupid and just thinking with his muscles.

Rex had a completely different scenario playing in his mind.

"By using the Apex Elemental to slowly bind the Apex Predator. I can grind out the body parts. Iris will hold the wings to make sure it does not fly away. Liz can quickly ignite the ground and make the lava spark. We will just melt the Apex Predator down to molten ore. The tricky part will be to catch the Leader of the Builder Faction."

With this plan, Rex had to get the other Apex creatures under sickness by injuring them somehow. He was not going to do it majorly, but just enough that there was no way for them to make it to the Battle.