Chapter 291 Mistakes happen

Rex felt a pain of sorrow inside him. Seeing the contract say that the Nine Tailed Fox only wanted to travel with him. He did not know how to take it.

"How long do I have until the contract expires?" Rex asked.

"Until either you or I leaves the fountain." The Nine Tailed Fox answered.

Rex did not want this at all. He honestly just wanted to continue upwards in the Realms with the girls he cared for. Now, there is an easy mode for climbing the Realms.

Rex was honestly upset. After a minute of thinking about it. Rex stood up and exited the fountain.

Tetsuo, the Two Tailed Fox, Gyuki, and the Nine Tailed Fox all had shocked expressions.

"I am sorry. Right now, I need to have some peace." Rex started out.

Usually, at this time, he would have already heard crying from Tetsuo. When he looked, Tetsuo's hand was free from his.

A sudden moment of joy caused Rex to instantly be at the entrance of the Sanctuary. He felt lighter, powerful, and extremely happy.

He instantly ran to the camp to grab the group. He wanted them to at least have a night in peace.

The entire colony of Acid Rats felt a massive rush above them. Leaving only a couple of rats behind, the Mutant King made its way up with thousands of rats.

Iris and Liz stare at Rex with an upset face.


"Because it is not only I who have to travel with 'HER'." Rex replied.

"So?" Liz replied.

"So, what?" Rex replied.

"You think we honestly care if you have hundreds of women following you. NO, we do not. We only care about the women who you are going to be with FOREVER." Iris replied.

Screams of terror sounded outside the tent the trio was in. They stepped out to see thousands of Acid Rats and the Mutant King staring at them.

A simple stomp caused enough shaking to break parts of the ground apart so that the rats reentered their colony. Rex used Nature Qi to patch the ground back together.

What was thousands of rats was now more like a thousand. Still enough to seriously injure any major city.

A roar came from the Mutant King. The Acid Rats stepped to the side. Rex walked up to the Mutant King unafraid.

The closer that Rex got. The more the bones shook inside the Mutant King Acid Rat. Once the two were in brawling range.

"PLEASE STOP!" A majestic voice rang out.

The Mutant King looked behind him to see the Nine Tailed Fox. He quietly stood to the side.

"Did they hurt you?" The Nine Tailed Fox came up and checked on Rex.

"I am fine. I just made it where thousands of Acid Rats returned to their colony." Rex replied.

"I am glad." The Nine Tailed Fox replied.

"Go home now. These people are with me." The Nine Tailed Fox spoke.

The Mutant King Acid Rat gathered the rats and returned to their home.

The Nine Tailed Fox led the group to the Sanctuary. Inside the Sanctuary were Tetsuo on the left, Gyuki in the middle, and the Two Tailed Fox running towards Rex.

"DADDY!" The Two Tailed Fox jumped into Rex's arms.

The fox seemed to be interested in what was inside Rex's pants. Seeing how interested the Two Tailed Fox was. Gyuki went over and pried the little fox from Rex.

"We need to give you a name now." Gyuki said.

The two tails were spinning like crazy. This little fox really wanted a name.

"Time to give you a name." Gyuki said, knocking on the statue above the throne.

Nothing happened. Even the Nine Tailed Fox tried to give it an extra knock. Since nothing happened, the Nine Tailed Fox knew that Rex had to name it.

"Come on, Rex. The Two Tailed Fox will only accept a name given by you." The Nine Tailed Fox said.

Rex went over to the little fox and named it, 'Kitsune'.

Suddenly, an orangish glow covered the fox. When it disappeared, Kitsune had grown a Third Tail and looked like a teenager.

"Papa!" Kitsune kissed Rex on the lips.

Iris and Liz both knew that this would happen. It was still upsetting to watch from the scenes.

"I am glad that Papa loves me!" Kitsune was happy.

All three of now, her tails were spinning like crazy. Even Tetsuo came up and hugged Rex.

"I am glad to have a father like you, Rex." Tetsuo said.

One minute, these two were stuck together, and now Tetsuo is calling Rex father. The girls were in need of a serious update.

"What happened while we were unable to come?" Iris asked.

"Papa saved me. Spent the night in the bed with me. We became a family after that." Kitsune said.

Iris and Liz both wanted to punch Rex on the head. Tetsuo, being a better brother, decided to explain a little more.

"We saw a carnivorous beast trying to eat Kitsune as a One Tailed Fox. Upon saving her, we were granted to spend the night with her. The One Tailed Foxes rooms have two beds, so we took one and tried to sleep. This morning, we took a bath with the Nine Tailed Fox and became a family."

Iris and Liz were a little more accepting of this explanation. Their biggest concern was the Nine Tailed Fox.

"Rex said you wanted a Contract with him?" Iris asked.

"Yes. He needed more time to think." The Nine Tailed Fox replied.

"It is not that he would not have accepted you. It is that he wanted our permission first before anything." Liz spoke happily.

"I must admit you are extremely gorgeous." Iris said.

"That is only because she is wearing blue like your Qi affinity." Liz replied twice.

"So what, water is good, right?" Iris asked.

"It is." The Nine Tailed Fox replied.

"If it is the ability to destroy, then yes. If it is completely logical, then Fire needs to be better than water. At least everything can be rebuilt better." Liz said.

"That is also true." The Nine Tailed Fox was trying to accept both women into her life.

"Listen here, we need Rex to completely deflower us. Will you please knock some sense into him and allow his big brother to enter us?" Iris pleaded.

"How about we use some of the better tying matters, and you be the one to keep Rex held?" Liz asked.

The Nine Tailed Fox knew that she had made the mistake of trying to be courteous with the girls. She hoped that she could have joined Rex in the journey. Now she was doubting if it was worth it to ask or not.