Chapter 347 Nine Tailed Queen

In the Heavenly Realm

"So today is the final day before you return?" Deathholder asked.

"Indeed it is." The Nine Tailed Fox was happy.

If not for the fact that she had to gain the strength to help stop and/or prevent the calamity. She would have stayed in the Third Realm and traveled with Rex wherever he went.

"Do not be like that." The Mistress of the Shadows replied.

She was glad to train another woman. She was upset that this Beastman was with Rex. If not, she would have explained how much she was waiting for a man to come up from the Mortal Realms.

The Nine Tailed Fox just waved one of her tails at the Mistress. The tail seemed to have a slightly golden color to it.

"Can we see the full Nine Tailed Fox version please?" Deathholder asked.

"Of course!" The Nine Tailed Fox exclaimed.

Since these two were her trainers. She had grown very fond of them. Although she did not like them in the beginning due to their harshness. Both of them cared for her and even helped her recover her Qi.

"I feel like my Full Fox form is bigger now than before. Is there somewhere we can go and only use three see it?" The Nine Tailed Fox asked.

"Of course." Deathholder replied.

He got carried by the Mistress because that is all who he wanted to carry him. She was okay with carrying him. When the three of them arrived at the east gate. The trio felt death carry them far away.

A necromancer's death aura and Deathholder's death aura are completely different. A necromancer aura is a vicious aura that can damage the Soul. Not only that, the death of their victims also surround them. To put it simply, it is like fishing inside a massive storm and not trying to get any fish.

Deathholder's aura was a calm and peaceful aura. Although death followed behind him, the aura seemed to make people just look away. To put his aura simply is like fishing for the biggest fish with a massive storm about to hit.

A worn out building big enough to fit eight of Lilith's mansions could be seen. The trio entered and the building seemed to become alive when they entered.

Portraits of men holding dead people could be seen. Tapestries of silver linings showing fierce battles with victories and losses for both men and death.

The view stunned the women as Deathholder made his way to a throne. The throne had spikes coming out of it. When Deathholder sat down, not a single spike pierced through him.

The portraits showed that he was losing a fight currently. He did not show any signs of weakness.

"If you do not mind, for my time here is limited." Deathholder asked.

The Nine Tailed Fox snapped out of her daze and looked behind Deathholder. There she saw a portrait of him dying. She tried to voice it out. Not a word got heard by Deathholder.

Without wasting any time, the Nine Tailed Fox transformed. She was even taller now than before.

The building expanded greatly has she transformed. Now the building could house almost twenty of Lilith's mansions inside. Gold streaks covered the fox and silver tipped tails proved that she had earned her right to call upon any Heavenly Elemental Type, wind, water, lightning and so on and not death.

The Nine Tailed Fox did not want to see Deathholder die. So she roared inside the building that shook even Death itself when heard. The Mistress of the Shadows looked behind Deathholder. She saw a change in the portrait. She understood what was going on.

The portrait behind Deathholder changed. It showed him living a little longer due to the Nine Tailed Fox. When the Nine Tailed Fox saw the portrait. She was happy. She went back to her human form. She was most proud of her littlest form.

That was the form that Rex could carry her the most comfort in. Not to mention she liked being around her youngest children.

Deathholder slowly felt the throne kicking him out. When he looked at the portrait behind the throne. Death gave him life for the Nine Tailed Fox's anger would not be quelled if he died here.

"So much for dying here." Deathholder thought.

"You still can, if you desire. Come back when she is ready for you to pass. She will guide your lost Soul to its rightful place. That Fox is a Nine Tailed Queen and one that is ready to ascend to Godhood now. That roar should have awakened the Inari inside of her." Death spoke.

Shocked expression could be seen on Deathholder's face. He had heard his ancestors could barely hear Death.

For him to clearly hear Death. That means the two were so in sync that nothing could break them apart at that time. Even talking to someone else, Deathholder would still have the conversation with Death.

When the time came to return. Deathholder asked to visit a cemetery behind the building. The trio went there. Deathholder sat down beside two tombstones that were next to each other.

From his storage ring, he pulled three bottles of the highest quality liquor that even money could not buy.

Then he grabbed five glasses and told the women, "Sit down behind me."

The two did. Deathholder poured each glass of liquor. The five glasses held the three bottles.

"My family rests here for all eternity. In hopes of Death no longer holding them hostage. I may have a chance to reach a place that Death cannot hold my Soul. When my time comes, I wish for you the Nine Tailed Queen to guide my Soul to greater places. If I could be selfish, I would rather you guide the Souls of my family and allow my Soul to rot because I am ashamed of the past."

Tears began to fall and the Death seemed to be near.

"My parents and their parents and their parents and so on need to know that their is a place greater than Death holding on to them. If my Soul is not enough, I will force my Soul to be enough."

The tears began to drop into his glass.

"My family might be Deathholder but I have truly reined in Death. The death of fellow comrades, the death of enemies, the death of innocent and guilty, I have used women to pleasure myself and give Death glory. For all of that, it takes someone else to guide my Soul to a better place."

Deathholder gripped his glass harder.

"I will not allow my Soul to go to such a fine place. For if demons are the bane of existence, than I make demons look good. If evil truly is bad. Than evil looks like smiling face compared to me."

Deathholder chugged his glass.

"My family and friends have not always been the kindest of people. They are still my family and I will do whatever it takes to grant them a good place." Deathholder finished this rant.

He picked up the second glass and held it into the sky.

"My father, I have not always been the best but I am giving you currently the best of the liquor." Deathholder finished and poured the glass unto the tombstone.

Deathholder grabbed the third glass.

"My mother, I have not always been the best but I am giving you currently the best of the liquor." Deathholder finished and poured the glass unto the tombstone.

When he finished, he saw an upset shadow behind the women. He knew his time had been retracted.