Chapter 358 Dawning a new dawn

The Foxmen kept using every kind of attack. Even though the wound from Ophiuchus was still open. There was no real damage being done to the lookalike.

Lilith was upset that Rex did not finish the lookalike. She went to confront him about it. When she saw the devastated look in the lookalike's eyes. She knew why Rex walked away.

Everyone kept to themselves and continued the walk or attack. Rex sat down next to Iris and the other women. They cheered for his return buy upset that he brought the calamity and the other two beings here.

"Oh well. At least I returned home." Rex said.

Lilith came from behind and her evilish look gave Rex goosebumps. He truly enjoyed seeing his women grow stronger.

"Let us have this chance to do some massive damage." Lilith said.

Rex did not want to finish a defeated opponent but he knew the longer he waited. The more likely it will recover and wreck more havoc on the Nine Mortal Realms.

Using his Qi, Rex made a element less ball. Iris was the first to put a little of her Qi inside of it. This turned the ball completely blue.

Liz was the next. A blue and orangish ball could be seen. Violet added some of hers. This turned the ball blue, orangish, and now some green in it.

Margaret and Amber both added their Qi to it next. This made the ball gain a white and black color to it. Lilith was next and a touch purplish color could be seen inside of it.

The next one was Ophiuchus. This made the ball gain scales instead of color. The color reflected on the scales.

Rex went and got the Nine Tailed Queen to put a touch of her Qi into it. Her Qi made all the colors and scales vibrate. To the point where the ball was almost uncontrollable.

Rex threw the ball into the wound. Once it went inside the lookalike. A massive explosion of erupted. The lookalike got blown from the inside out. Everyone was itching to see but the lookalike still had not completely died.

Her gaze of defeated made Rex truly reject using his wives to finish the lookalike off. A familiar Demon Rex made his appearance and wanted to participate in any shape or form.

Rex went over and told the lookalike, "If you truly want to die close your eyes. If you wish to be reborn, leave them open. You have one minute to decide."

Rex walked away. When he lifted his finger the timer started for the lookalike. The lookalike felt nothing but despair since it's siblings had already died. It wondered how a rebirth could happen.

Without realizing it, a minute had passed. Rex went and lifted the top half of the lookalike and placed it near the dead siblings.

Rex called for Gyuki, Tetsuo, and the Nine Tailed Queen. When all three were beside Rex. He got a drop of blood from each of them.

He dropped the blood to each one. This made a profound Qi enter the Third Realm. A Qi so powerful that even the Heavenly Realm had to stop fighting because of it.

All three of the siblings were reborn and chained to Demon Rex. Who led them to the Demon Realm. Rex wanted him to gain the power he was currently gaining in the Mortal Realms.

Nightfall approached the Third Realm when the trio left. Rex was extremely tired. To him, this had all been one day. He did not even want to bathe or eat before he closed his eyes.

Lilith, Bella, and Ophiuchus all controlled him while they entered the house. They placed him on the couch. A new day would come and welcome Rex but angry demons would visit him as well.

When Demon Rex entered the Demon Realm

Three powerful entities entered the Demon Realm. These were the calamity and its siblings. They looked an awe at how gloomy the Demon Realm was.

This made them feel closer to home. Although there were no noisy bugs going in certain directions. There was ways for the entities to feel movement but it was slow compared to their normal.

Demon Rex led the trio to a dungeon. Inside of it had a barrier, this barrier was to belong to the Demon King. Demon Rex had gotten it instead by the luck of the Council.

When the Council had reached word that three powerful entities entered the Demon Realm. They were prepared to lay down their lives to prolong any life they could.

Within minutes of hearing the entities had entered the Demon Realm. They heard the trio disappeared into the dungeons. The Council knew this had to deal with Demon Rex.

So when the trio entered the dungeon. Demon Rex began to speak.

"I honestly do not know why Rex allowed you three to be reborn. I will await to see and hear what he wants. In the meantime, please do not cause trouble. This place is meant to belong to him but given to me. I do not want this place destroyed."

The trio had no reason to cause any kind of trouble. Somehow Demon Rex could feel that they did not want to cause any trouble. He still had to say it to make sure.

He could their sadness when he was leaving. He turned to say, "I have people who currently control me. I have to report out. Since I know they have heard of the three of you entering. I have to make sure they do not do anything stupid to you or to me."

A feeling of happiness entered Rex. He was not sure why but this made him extra steppy. Even when the Council was outside the dungeons. Demon Rex could not control his steps and almost tripped over himself.

"What is the matter with you?!" A subordinate of a Council member was upset.

"Sorry. The beasts made me feel happy. So I have been taking extra steps since." Demon Rex replied.

"Who allowed those beasts to roam free?" Another subordinate asked.

"Those beasts are not free. Make sure you remember that you incompetent idiot!" Demon Rex roared.

This startled everyone present. Demon Rex was not known to be wrathful but he was to the beasts.

"Calm yourselves," the Sixth Council member started. When the members were calm, "Demon Rex please tell us who is currently in control of the beasts?"

"They are under my rules but under Demon King's Rex control." Demon Rex answered.

This was how Rex's next day was spent. Talking to the Demon Council and the Demon God about why they were spared.