Chapter 417 Making noise

With half of his plate filled with food that looked inedible and the other half of it glistening. Rex took his first bite. The meat that looked inedible was quite delicious.

Although, he was sure that this could have been an animal that got pummeled to death. The taste was more than enough to make him continue.

"This meat is delicious. Who cooked this?" Rex genuinely questioned.

"I did!" Fenngo raised her hand high into the room while smiling.

Rex found it funny that she could actually cook something delicious.

When he took a bite of the corn like vegetable. Rex immediately heard his stomach growl upsetting.

He hoped it was not the corn like vegetable because it was actually quite juicy and interesting.

"What about the Frickly Cirn?" Fenngi asked.

"It is juicy and interesting. Although, I hope my stomach lasts to enjoy the meal." Rex said jokingly.

He meant every word. The women took it seriously, since he was already sick. They hoped that he could enjoy such a grand meal.

Rex then tried another vegetable that looked like rice. When he took the first bite, he had to run out of the dining room.

The noise he made while puking his guts out again was even worst than before. Thankfully, the restroom was three doors down.

When he got down puking, he felt a fart coming. He immediately sat down on the toilet. When he did, the women heard a noise that never heard before.

He let everything out quickly. He laid back because there was no toilet paper for him to wipe with. He guessed because the food is supposed to naturally become energy for them.

He wondered why it was having this affect on him. Before he could even hear a knock on the door. His stomach growled viciously and another round of weird noise was heard.

The Phoenix naturally was the first one to try and help. When she opened the door, she smelt something bad.

She was able to use her Qi to block most of it. This thankfully saved her. If she had not been able to, she too would be sick like him.

She tried to find a way for this smell to leave the room. There was no way for it to. All she could do was hope that this smell would dissipate with time.

She began to rub Rex's back. When she did, she heard the stomach growling noise. She knew that there was currently too much energy inside the food for him.

"I'll wait outside and come back in." The Phoenix replied.

She went to go explain what happened. Fenggi and Fenggo both felt better that this was the case. If it was their cooking, they would pray that they could cook better on his world.

The little demon seemed to do good. So did the first pair of eyes but both knew what exactly had extra energy and stayed away from it until the food naturally could be digested.

As the women found that Rex had just not known how much energy was in the food. They all decided to explain how the food should be eaten. Another noise seemed to catch the Phoenix's attention.

"I gotta to check on Rex." She said and hurried over.

Fenngi and Fenggo both began to make certain numbers on toothpick like things. This way Rex could enjoy the meal to the fullest.

When the Phoenix returned the bathroom. The smell was even worst than before. This was even with her using Qi to block the smell.

"Rex, we will suffer if you stay in here too long." The Phoenix said sorrowfully.

She did not want Rex to dump the waste in the yard. First, it could curse the land. Second, if the land did not become cursed than it can become infertile. This was even worst than cursing the land.

At the curses, the people could ask the planet to ask the planet to cure it or find people willing to weaken the curse. As for infertility, the generations would go faster than trying to cure this.

As the Phoenix finished, Rex's stomach growled angrily again. This caused her jaw to drop. She went to find a pill to help this. This was not the normal that would happen.

To her, it seemed like his body was currently rejecting the food that he ate.

She hoped that this was not case. If it was, than he would suffer until he actually returned to his world.

She searched for ten minutes and found the pill. The dining room had heard three more noises while she was finding the pill. Before she returned to the bathroom, she swallowed a pill to weaken the senses for the smell.

When she opened the door to the bathroom. She felt that she was going to puke because the smell was even terrible. She felt that babies do not even smell this bad when taking their dumps.

She shoved the pill into Rex's mouth before exiting. She gasped for air. The smell was horrible and the cleanest water to wash with was outside.

She went and got Rex a bucket of water to wash himself with. A drop of smell good sence was dropped. That drop was expensive buy she hoped that it would work on Rex.

If that drop did not, sleeping in the same room was completely out of the question. Rex began to wash himself.

The sence was working until the final growl was made by the stomach. Rex was not going to allow the bucket to get wasted.

He gently sat it outside. A decent crap came out and Rex was able to finally rest. When he opened the door, the scent of his smell had left the bathroom.

The scent penetrated the walls. So the entire house began to slowly stink. The Phoenix was upset.

She gently peeked inside the bathroom to see that Rex was still bathing himself. She was glad that at least he would smell decent.

That was until he actually stepped outside and still smelled horrible.