Chapter 421 Words to remember

"What happens when you start seeing the people you love and care for and know that they are not there?" Rex asked.

The Phoenix knew this all too well. Several times in years past she would see people that would look like Fenggi's husband. No matter what happened, it was always just a look like.

"Several things can happen. First, it can be just some lookalikes. It is sad to see the people you care for like that, that has happened to me in years past. It could be your heart is longing for their attention and your conscience makes you see them.

There is a forbidden ritual in most areas of the universe. The reason being is because people like controlling souls. The name of a jewel is called Spirit Totel. It allows one's Soul to travel to where their mate, true lover, special child, or the dearest person in their life to go see.

The other reason for it being forbidden is because of places like the Demon Gate. If a person's Soul actually goes there. The Spirit Totel will actually allow that person's Soul to visit there." The Phoenix replied.

Rex was sure that he had never heard of such a thing. He wanted to learn a little more.

"Can you show me the jewel?" Rex asked.

The Phoenix led Rex to a wall. When she pressed her hand against the wall. There was a door and her hand touched the top of the door handle.

"Such secrecy." Rex thought.

When the duo entered the room. There was a chest with a lock on it. When the lock came off, Rex saw what he thought were thousands of emeralds inside the chest.

"So much." Rex replied.

"We have collected these over the planet. I will not say if there are more or not because once one is used. It travels time and space to another location. We have always collected these and kept them from the civilization for good reason." The Phoenix said wrapping her arms around Rex's chest.

Rex stared at the chest for a little longer. He felt a connection seemingly come from a Spirit Totel.

When he picked it up, it showed him three versions of how the Nine Realms get invaded. In the first vision, these stones get stolen and used by the Shadow People to find Rex.

The second was betrayal by some people inside the Heavenly Realm who find a stone and cannot help but hand them over.

The third was Rex taking the stones home. The Shadow People found one and the stones seemed to align just right for an invasion.

All three visions were just two seconds a piece. Just long enough for Rex to know how the invasion begins.

Rex gasped when the third vision ended. The Phoenix luckily was still holding unto Rex. She helped him back just a little. The stone seemed to have a mind of its own.

Instead of falling when the Phoenix helped Rex back. It floated and a glow appeared. It was green at first and the shape changed and the color changed to blue.

When it happened, Rex also had a blue glow. The Phoenic could only think that this jewel was the embodiment of a fairy. She did not know why the jewel would choose Rex to form a body from.

In that second, a poof sound could be heard. When Rex looked back up, he saw a sapphire in front of him.

The next second the jewel transformed into the Dark Abyss, that Rex had killed a long time ago.

"Greetings young man. It has been forever ago since the two of is fought." The Dark Abyss smiled.

"Indeed it has." Rex's anger flared in tone.

The Dark Abyss smiled.

"Since you know me and the dog-like creatures now has these Spirit Totel. I guess we can continue from there." The Dark Abyss said.

Rex was not in any mood to deal with the Dark Abyss currently. He found it pleasing to know that at least he could deal with it better now than before.

"What do the Spirit Totel have to do with you?" Rex asked.

"Shall I start from the beginning or just allow your anger to boil?" The Dark Abyss asked.

"If I do not like what the beginning is, my anger will boil. If you try to make my anger boil, it will boil. If you try to harm any person here on this planet, I will find each Spirit Totel and erase it from history itself." Rex spoke.

The Dark Abyss smiled from ear to ear. He was going to remember what words had just been spoken.

"From the beginning, we have always been Fairy-like creatures. We grant wishes to those who need the wishes granted. Healing, great surge of power, an indestructible body for a minute, and a way to help keep some problematic creatures under wraps. For the main wishes we always did and do very solemn now."

Rex listened to the words carefully. He made sure what he was hearing was truth. To him, it sounded truthful. The Phoenix behind him, began to wonder why Rex was to keep calm in front of this blasphemy.

"As for the followers, their main goal is to help lovers meet their lovers. It can be used differently depending on the person but that is their main job. Secondary is providing the wishes of people if they are strong enough. If they are, they reset and travel to another location."

Rex was feeling that this was the truth behind them as Spirit Totel. As for why they became what they did. He felt something was wrong. Either way, the wish to become an evil was not there or the fact that fairies are evil and need to be killed are also not true.

"So what made you all start to hunt fairies?" Rex asked.

The Dark Abyss just looked start at Rex and said, "A wish for a dog."