Chapter 457 Blindfolded

The three demon women went their ways to find the three women that could inherit their places.

The first woman entered a room. She rang a bell at a couch. A snake entered the room.

"I want three women who are still innocent in body to enter my room asap." The woman said.

The snake felt to find the three women. It just so happened that there were only three women who were pure in body still around. The three women entered the office of the current ruler.

"I want to congratulate you three. Since you have kept your purity, you three have the opportunity to become maids of the Demon King. One of you will become lucky enough to rule the bitches down here." The woman said.

"I have no desire to rule." The first woman said.

This made the current ruler upset.

"Neither do I." The other two said.

This truly wanted to make the woman rage. She had to keep her cool unless something truly makes her erupt.

"My pet, bring the blindfolds."

The snake slithered up the women and passed the blindfolds to each of them.

"Now then, put them on and hold hands while I lead." The woman said.

The three women began to cry as they put the blindfolds on. The current leader began to lead them out and into the throne room.

Second leader

She hurried up into an office-like room. There were three desks, four couches, and a large window that seemed to overlook the entire interior of the Labyrinth.

She tapped her left foot three times.

"Madam," a man in a bulter suit appeared.

"Do we have any women still innocent in body?" The woman asked.

"We currently have four sisters who love each other too much to hurt each other's feelings on marriage or sex." The butler replied.

"Tell them to get blindfolded and lead them to the throne room, immediately." The woman replied.

"What about you, Madam?" The butler asker.

"I have to get the passing of the butlers down for whoever gets the new current ruler over these bitches in here." The woman replied.

"Well, I must say there has not been another ruler who has yet to possess such willing and intelligent to lead the bitches around here. Still, do you think any of the four will?" The butler asked.

"No." The woman replied.

"Such is life." The butler said happily.

Third leader

The final one entered a hotel-like room. She laid down on the bed and felt that people were coming to visit her immediately.

"Can't shit wait for two minutes while I try to enjoy two fucking minutes of peace on my last time on my fucking bed?" She cursed silently.

"Fucking enter, you fucking bastards!" The leader yelled.

The people outside froze at the woman cursing them. This meant that they had either interrupted a sexual act or the leader was having a bad day. Since they had already been cursed at.

A drawing got decided on who would either die or lose their sexual drive. That person entered first.

"Dearest Master of the great, we did not mean to offend you today. Please restrain yourself to only affecting myself." A child entered.

Although the child had long hair, it seemed like the child was a boy.

"Dearest bitch, have you enjoy your first time getting a foot into your crotch?" The leader asked.

"Dearest Master of the great, I have not yet enjoyed a foot in my crotch. Will that allow you to calm yourself?" The child asked.

"Undress and prove it to me." The leader replied.

The child stripped. From taking off the shirt, the nipples were already extremely hard. When the pants got removed, it showed that the child was indeed a girl.

"Spread legs and show me your pussy and asshole." The leader said.

The child bent over and spread open the butt checks. A virgin asshole and pussy was in front of the leader.

"Who else is a virgin?" The leader asked.

"As far as I know, just I." The child replied.

"Troubling." The leader said.

She opened a nightstand drawer and pressed a button that said, "Easy pickings".

A man entered with his dick rock hard and no pants on.

"Is there any other female a virgin like this whore right here?" The leader asked.

"The only two left would be the newborn babes of the Demon Meest."

This made the leader truly mad.

"Come suck on my finger like your life depended on it." The leader screamed.

The butler rushed over and sucked on the left index finger like a woman bending over to give her lover the best feeling in his life.

"Seems like you need to be put a little higher."

Before anyone said anything, a blindfold got out of the other nightstand and got tossed to the girl still spreading her ass checks.

"Put it on and show yourself down the hallway."

The girl tied the blindfold on. She slowly made her way to the door. She was currently crying because she did not know what was going on.

When she opened the door, the blindfold said, "Throne Room."

With all the women being led to the throne room. What will Rex think?