Chapter 484 Celebration of Life

The demon women found their mates. They were happy to find them alive. A joyous occasion of celebration of life went through the town. The worst part about the celebration was that, they wanted for Rex to return.

Three weeks went by and the town was wondering if Rex was going to return. When he got notice to return, he quickly did.

The town celebrated like the Realms were ending tomorrow. All kinds of drinks were being served, the food coming out was always hot and fresh, even the children made sure to sell local goodies.

Rex smiled as he watched the town celebrate. The celebration was not only for themselves. It was for the person who brought back life to the demons.

The demons were helping out greatly in the town. They were the ones wanting to host the event.

Although, most of the town rejected. The City Lord did not. He had to reason with the town because the demons were going to be the ones paying for all the food, drinks, and use of the kitchens.

The sum of use of the town was a whopping one million Qi Stones. They had far from enough. They decided to try and work with the humans in this matter.

They would do manual labor and the harder stuff to get the most of their Qi Stones. The demons agreed upon 75% return of the Qi Stones, if the total of the job was more than two hundred and seventy-five Qi Stones. (At least two hundred Qi Stones would be returned for the use of the town.)

The town did enjoy themselves. The demons put their Qi Stones together to buy acholic drinks and get the preps for the dishes.

With all they had, the dishes still costed more than two thousand Qi Stones. Since the demons had paid for the meat and hard to get stuff. The local restaurants decided not to make them pay for the low end and easily getable stuff.

This made the demons happy. This made the town happy as well. Since people were willing to help pitch in for this celebration. Naturally, the others in the town also started to pitch in.

Once the whole town was involved. This helped the demons reduce their payment by one hundred thousand Qi Stones. This made the demons lives easier because they would not have to work as hard and the town also worked towards their payment as well.

By the time the celebration of life was coming to an end. A new celebration was getting started.

This was for the pregnant demons. Although, the town was not about this celebration. Many of the older generation still tried to show their support.

Some of the younger generation tried to show their support. It was much harder for them to because it meant that they liked demons and the evil they do.

Whereas the older generation just saw them as young people trying to showcase their support and trying to blend into the city better.

The town truly could not get behind the demons trying to have baby showers. The older generation tried their best to get as many young people together.

There was still a few here and there that stayed around until the end of the celebrations.

Rex was happy that the town did this. What he was really afraid of was going to be the demons trying to make the money back.

Although Rex could have easily got the money from the Demon Realm. He wanted the demons to try and make their lives easier within the town instead of giving it to them.

So he made a call to Lilith. This was not the usual type of call. The Soul Mate he had with Lilith was the key.

He was trying to think of sending spies into the town to watch over the demons. Lilith misunderstood it and called the army over.

Rex had to spend the next week trying to calm the city down. He had misjudged how the Soul Mate worked in that fashion. Once he had successfully gotten the town calmed down.

He insisted on paying part of the demon's payment in town. This was to make up for the lost time for the citizens and for the demons.

Rex easily handed over two million Qi Stones. This was out of Lilith's personal money. She could have called for the money out of the Demon King's treasury. She felt that it would be better out of their money instead of the entire Demon Realm's.

Each demon got handed one hundred thousand Qi Stones. That money had to be used to buy a house and make the expenses to the town. Each restaurant got just enough to pay for the week's lost.

Since the demons had to start making house payments monthly. They had to either do more expensive jobs or work harder throughout the week. The husbands did most of the heavy work and labor. The town got their one million Qi Stones back within six months and the babies were burned shortly after.

The entire town got together to celebrate the birth of the demon children in the town.