Chapter 506 Pitstop in nowhere

As Rex and the women advanced, a stop came upon them. Normally they would use this to restock what little supplies they carry on them. Rex had other ideas.

Upon entering the pitstop, Rex went and found an armor shop. Why was an armor shop in the pitstop?

Dangerous beasts lived close by and they caused armor to be damaged easily overtime. People would enter this pitstop for that reason.

In some other pitstops, weaponsmiths were available. Sometimes in the same shop, other times different shops. Here, the blacksmith could fix a little weaponry. He was too focused on armor to do weapons too often.

"Sir, one blade of cruelty please." Rex asked the blacksmith.

"That weapon is currently unavailable for purchase. Please try somewhere else." The blacksmith replied rolling his eyes.

"Then what about the whip of cruelty good sir?" Rex replied gleaming.

The blacksmith forced his head into his palm.

"Are you not going to accept no to anything related to cruelty?" The blacksmith did not want to deal with this.

"I can either get you to accept saling it to me or I will take it by force." Rex spoke in a serious yet, gentle tone.

The blacksmith pulled a sword case from underneath his sales table. Two clicking sounds were heard and a saber was placed upon the table.

"This is the Saber of Cruelty. Only those who have evil intentions sealed within their Dantian can use the full potential. If the evil intention comes from the Saber itself. You are doomed. If you are part demon, this can cause you to go berserk very easily. Use it with caution within your business area." The blacksmith said in a carefree tone.

"So tell me, why does this cause demons to go berserk?" Rex asked.

"No one knows. It seems that the Cruelty part of the weapon is made to go wild beyond what normal people should handle. Drawing the blade, and swinging the blade will not trigger the Cruelty. Only when it meets blood or blood gets on it does the weapon try to use its full power."

"One last question, how does it feel it be a part of the crew that made the Cruelty weapons?" Rex asked.

The owner was stunned to hear such a question. He thought it was a kept tight secret.

"Can I ask how you know sir?"

"Depends if you can tell me more about the material this is made from."

"The material was something demons came into the Fifth Realm with. It caused a panic in several cities not only in the Demon Realm but here as well. Only when it was forged did the Cruelty come into play. We were not able to name the blades, they were hammered on impact."

Rex sighed greatly at the thought of the metal. It was not until the Seventh Realm that the metal was truly found out in the game.

"Does this man wish to learn the truth about the metal or does he want me to keep it sealed?" Rex asked politely.

"Is it something dangerous or just plain cruel to hear?"

"A little of both." Rex replied.

The owner biting his own lower lip went against his common sense and wanted to learn about the metal.

"When the blood of a virgin human male and the blood of a virgin demon female come in contact with any kind of metal. A change happens. Where the blood of both fight for dominance, and the winner if the metal alloy because the blood will not survive.

Once all the blood is gone. The essence of both still linger trying to take control. The metal causes fear and panic within communities due to the power of the spirits with the blood.

Upon being forged, the metal takes control of the negative feelings while being hammered and causes whoever to be wielding the metal in battle to be berserk." Rex explained.

"Such deep emotions running through even the metal itself. No wonder why people do not what to know about the Cruelty weapons." The owner said.

"There is a way to forge the weapons from Cruelty to Merciful. It does take a while and some good honest people." Rex replied.

The blacksmith had paper and ink ready to write down everything he could.

"The blood essence of the Demon King and the essence of a pure hearted Saint. I have a portion of the essence you currently need." Rex replied.

The owner was shocked to hear such news. If he could change the weapon, could that also change the others as well?

"Can one drop change all or just one?" The owner almost pleaded.

"If all the blades were together, then just a quick wipe across them will do the job. If not one drop for each." Rex replied.

"Good sir, in two months all the blades will be coming here directly. If you change all of them, I will personally see to it that they belong to you. Even if I have to sell my shop."

"Personal Quest"