Chapter 543 Accepting

As the War God though about the pros and cons. She came with the final decision.

"Pro: Powerful man means powerful allies and great success"

"Con: Freedom to do what I want"

"Pro: A place to settle down after such a long time"

"Con: My daughters will have to evolve into great leaders without being told to"

"Pro: I can train thousands of people into the straight way of the Sword"

"Con: People will hate on me and my daughters for such harsh treatment"

Finally weighing the pros and cons. The War God finally came to a decision.

"I can accept if it was just me. I cannot accept if my daughters also have to be in leadership."

Gasps sounded from all the women.

"Before you make a final decision. Allow me to explain. First, my daughters are not ready for any kind of leadership. It is not that they cannot learn, it is too early for them to.

Second, my own personal teaching will be too strict because I love the way of the Sword too much.

Lastly, I value the friendship you and my daughters gained while I got into a rage." The War God said.

The others could not help but admire the War God. As for her daughters, they were too ashamed to call themselves the daughter of the War God as per what she just said.

Rex smiled. He was well aware of the effects that he said. He too wanted them on his side too much.

"As for the daughters, I want them in the leadership position because they do not desire or deserve the massive battle we will face. Instead of aimlessly trying to slaughter all the opponents and getting backstabbed by someone. I would rather give them the position to be safe.

As long as you agree to become my human general and head of security. We can always train your daughters and prepare them for the battle. I am sure that Diablo can use some warm-ups as well." Rex brightly smiled as he finished.

The War God felt that this was honestly the best option. Mock battles and one vs one battles can help people become stronger in the long run vs the short run with nothing but death battles. Being able to learn slowly helps people recognize flaws, learn how to make openings, and truly get under people's skin.

Whereas nothing but death battles makes one completely focus on the opponent(s) and the surroundings only to make one mistake.

As for the what Rex wanted. He was going to have them take a small force with a small force from Diablo and do mock battles. Each step helps both sides and the biggest winner will be the foot soldiers.

Learning the battle tactics will help, in front of someone using the terrain and shadows to their advantage without the daughters' knowledge hurts. That too will make them stronger in the long run but not after losing so many people.

Since this was going to become official. The daughters had the only question in their mind. Thus they began to head into Rex's direction.

"Sir Rex, does this mean that you will pound us with all your might?" The eldest asked.

The Soul Mate hovers above seemed to get even angier with the daughters instead of the War God. The answer was going to be obvious to them what the answer should be. Knowing how Rex is soft-hearted, they figured the answer would be the opposite.

As for War God, she was too flustered to think about anything. Hearing that they want Rex to pound them, it only gave her one train of thought. This train of thought was the same as the Soul Mate.

"You are positive that you want me to pound the two of you with all of my might?" Rex asked making sure that he heard the question.

The girls excitedly nodded in agreement.

"Sure. Which one of you wants to go first?" Rex asked.

The girls began to fight over which one was going to be wounded first. In the midst of their fight, Rex had an evil smile.

"They want to be wounded but did not specify what part they want pounded. Oh this will be fun!" Rex started to walk over as he thought to himself.

Rex gave each of them a fist to the top of their heads. As the group watched in absolute old cartoon style horror. They felt that Rex used a heavy hammer and hit the top of their heads.

The bump on their forehead seemed to become real as the amount of Qi landing on top of their head was nothing but Spear Qi. As if the shaft of the spear wad used on their head.

"What was that for darling?" The youngest one asked.

The War God had gotten on the Soul Mate good side. As for the daughters, they were now sailing in cursed waters. As for the reason why they were mad at War God, they simply forgot and could not remember after this point.

All the anger was directed towards her daughters. Not only did they ask for a pounding but they complain when Rex was trying to stop them.

"I sounded the top of your heads with Spear Qi just like you asked. You did not specify what kind of pounding you wanted." Rex happily replied.

The War God laughed because that was indeed true. The daughters never specified that they wanted him to pound their untainted flowers, at this at this moment.

The daughters could not help but feel ashamed that Rex could not read the mood. This aggressively made them want to enter a bed immediately.

As for the Soul Mate, they were not expecting this answer. As for the finale of it, there was nothing that they could do about it.

The only thing that the women could do in the whole aftermath was accept what Rex had done and move on.