The older healer laughed. He felt that the younger healer was much better than what he was. First, he could not save his family when they needed him the most. Second, his natural talent in the field was far greater than his. Lastly, his Qi was not the greatest but it was good enough once he got the healing down whereas the young healer could survive much longer and do much better without training in healing.
"My years of training is worthless. Even when my family truly needed me, I failed as a father, husband, and family man. I cannot escape the guilt that I brought upon myself as I know that my family is waiting for me so we can enter the next life together.
Why would I want to try and give up now and lose everything that I can hold dear to in the future for just a few more years of solitude here and now?" The older healer told his story.
Rex felt the pain the older healer was going through. He too would feel that if anything like that happened to him. Zahida was much more attentive to the feelings of the older healer.
Even the greatest of men could not tell such lies and the truth be set in stone. Zahida saw, felt, and heard how much the older healer wanted his family in the next life.
Everyone wants that when reincarnation is available. Yet, Zahida felt that the healer would not get his request. That did not mean that she would be the one to tell him.
Rex feeling the tug from Zahida. Allowed her to whisper something into his ear. Rex felt that life is too cruel. He did not want to disturb the man's eager hopes and dreams that can allow one to fulfill their duties to the maximum.
As the older healer finished his work. The younger healer wanted to try and press on. He knew that would only stir trouble and cause mayhem. Neither one wanted that right now.
Rex decided to make this offer a once in a lifetime.
"Good sir, I know that you do not want to become my personal healer. What about if you gave your last healings to my wives, Soul Mate, or someone whom I trust. I will grant you a great tomb in reward for such a man deserves that and also your family will have tombstones in there.
I know this could be considered working for me. I can ensure you, I can either make it go quickly or long. I want you to live the rest of your days doing what you want and living it to the fullest." Rex told him.
The older healer thought about it for a minute. Although, Rex was indeed correct in saying that it would sound like a man working for someone else. The truth was Rex was allowing him to be Rex's last person in dealing with.
Some people may never know or remember who the last person who they dealt with was. Rex was giving him the option to know and to have his family close to him in the tomb.
People always want to know how good life is in the long run without having such and such in their life. For most people, if not everyone, it is horrible.
The older healer is a prime example of that. Yes, he found pleasure in healing others. That same pleasure always haunted him. For some people, it can be as simple as someone else or something else. For others, it can be the lifelong family member that has moved on.
As the older healer looked directly into Rex's eyes. He felt a calming peace within them. The older healer stood up and bowed.
"Good sir, I am proud to say that I can accept you being the last person that I will ever accept healing from. I ask that I am given one month before I check the people that you need healing from."
Rex smiled. One month was just enough. That would give time for these maids and butlers to enter the Third Realm and start training. Of course, Rex would have the man check his Soul Mate. They were too special to him for that.
He would be healing these maids and butlers. Rex's plan was truly devious but it would give the man the ending he wants while living his life to the fullest.
"Good sir, I want you to enjoy each day you live. It may be a month from now that you will die trying to heal my Soul Mate or it could be that you naturally die in a year. Make sure that the question 'Why did I not Quit before Now?' Never enters your mind from this point forwards."
The older healer took this chance to be happy. This meant that Rex could say that he would be his final employer, Rex or his people would drain him of Qi, and that he was executor and entomber.
"I will live my Life wanting nothing more than to see my family and enjoy the sunrise each and everyday that I possibly can. That question will never enter my mind as I will be living the most joyous time that I can."
Rex just patted the man's head.
"Alright. Does my wife need anymore treatment?" Rex asked.
"Currently, no. I will check on her before I enter the First Realm. It has been forever since I last saw it. So I may want to look around some, if that is okay?" He asked.
Rex just nodded with a reply, "I have a couple of women who I can call. They will give you the most enjoyest time of seeing all of the Nine Realms, if you so desire.
I can extend the time extension so that you can see everything much better. So please do not let yourself down because the Nine Realms will be different before you can reincarnate."
Tears of joy and happiness flowed freely. The man would extend his time to six months before passing away while checking the Soul Mate of Rex.