Chapter 615 Pure Law learning pt1

War God followed Rex who was angered by having someone or something interfere in his week of training. War God knew that the woman indeed knew who had messed their game up.

Yet, the two children continued to follow Rex. By a weird feeling, the duo knew that Rex could not and would not hurt them right now or ever.

"Father, can we talk?" The boy asked.

Rex was not interested in it. However, he decided to just talk.

"If it is about changing my mind. The answer to that is no, and I will not change my mind on it." Rex spoke seriously and slightly angered but now, "If it is anything else, we can talk." Rex spoke normally.

"Father, I will not ask you to change your mind but what about that law upsets you?"

Rex looked deep into the boy's eyes and replied, "I will not and cannot accept that any woman close to me will be sacrificed for a good. I will not and shall not accept that, I will destroy everything myself if that were to happen."

The boy looked upset when he heard Rex's reply. The girl was even more curious about that statement.

"Well, since we are technically laws in human form. If you took us, would you allow us to die?" She asked curiously.

Rex looked at her and replied, "I shall not accept any woman of mine. Since you are a Law and not a woman nor girl, I do not see you as that. Even if you continued with me, I would only see you two as laws."

The duo frowned.

"What about momma law?" The boy upset asked.

Rex pondered about her because she had seemed more human like than law.

"She might have a chance to become a human. That is because she was angered for you two rather than angered for normal stuff."

Upon hearing that, the duo smiled because that could be their way to salvation.

"Let me tell you both. I do not accept either one of you. So I am indifferent to what happens to you. As far as Pure Law goes, I need to learn more about her."

The duo were excited because that could be their way to being saved.

"Momma law is the strongest Law and the righteous Law. No matter the time nor place, she always watches the good and tries to punish evil. She is joyous when evil is defeated and sad when righteous is hurt.

Being always pure is the struggle of her. Even when she was angered for us, she almost lost her body. Who knows what kind of body she would gotten next?" The girl said.

"When a law dies in a body form, it has two ways to return to that body. The first is to grab everything or the most important pieces. The second is that Momma law grants us the body to return.

She cannot grant herself the body back because it is considered defiled and ugly. She would not even try to remember that filth of the body.

Every Law was born from her, even the most ugliest of them all. What was supposed to be pure turned into ugly. We are considered a part of the good Laws that keep the Realms in check and hole. Yet, you call us ugly for having to sacrifice one woman close to you.

Thr current ugliest Law is the one that states, "For every Female a Male must use her body to either increase the Male cultivation or birth him as many children as needed."

Rex indeed thought that the Law they were talking about was indeed unfair but it was not truly ugly. The ugly part was how people used that law. People will follow their instincts and body rather than intellect and knowledge on matters.

"Tell me more about the Pure Law. I would like to know the full story on it."

The duo looked at each other and knew that the truth would be better here but it also was a terrible tale.

"Where shall we begin?" The boy asked.

"At the beginning of course."

The duo rolled their eyes.

"Well, you know of part of creation. The part where the Dark Abyss was first created. That was to prevent True Evil from completely taking over the entire Realms and worlds created. Another part of creation was the Pure Law, which we will get to. Final part was the Realms, worlds and so on. In order to prevent only good from wiping the floor with evil. Pure Law came into existence, it was stated to keep people's hearts Pure."

Rex was stupefied at such a simple Law.

"Yes. To keep people pure was the definition of Pure Law. However she changed her laws according to the growth in the Realms. Instead of keeping people pure with evil, she decided that if a person was truly tainted by all evil she could Smite them.

Thus she began to slowly change. Along came three people, those people formed a trinity in True Evil, which could not be smited by Pure Law. True Saint, which was the embodiment of Pure Law. Finally, an average person who could fight against the others without any blessing.

Stupid right? But yeah. So for centuries, then millennials the fight never stopped. So a draw was done to prevent anymore damage. The True Evil became the Shadow People you know of. The True Saint became a title to people who can hold righteous views even in the midst of evil. The average person became a reincarnation and that became the normal for most people.

For us to allow a person to hold the title of True Saint. A Law was written by the Original trio. It stated that pure evil had to face against True Saint but the title cannot just appear. Something and someone has to trigger it, and thus the True Saint must use a person close to them to be sacrificed. The average person made it where it would be one of the opposite sex in order to fully activate.

There you have it. The story of us. As for the Pure Law,"