Chapter 672 Response

As the current ruler felt that his people could survive for a greater time. He also felt that they were on a great decline with Rex ruling them.

"I have just one request before I make a final judgment." The ruler spoke.

"I cannot say that I will truly accept it nor will I say that I will decline it. I will listen to your request and make a judgment based on my knowledge, my instincts, and what I believe." Rex replied.

The ruler felt that Rex was genuinely honest with him.

"So what I wish for is to prolong my life until the end of the war that you have to deal with."

Rex got a little upset with the ruler during that sentence.

"Before you lash out, let me explain. You already have a lot on your plate trying to deal with that War. Secondly, it will take a while before the entire Fae Devil Community will be able to take my retirement and/or death which ever comes first."

Rex thought about it. He did agree with the ruler based on his knowledge of how people were. His instincts told him not to. His belief in allowing the ruler to stay was against him.

"Allow him to stay the ruler." The Dark Abyss told Rex.

Rex finally decided on his response.

"For the time being, I will allow you to stay. There should be no problem afterwards." Rex told him.

The ruler took it as another time to be sure that everything goes smoothly. He was sure that this would cause the Fae Devil Race itself to be better.

"As for the Fae Devils who wish to join in a war. I shall grant them all the rights to join." The ruler spoke.

He was honestly thinking of the betterment of his community. Even if the worst of the worst leave, that there would allow the community to become grand enough to stabilize. His only problem would be on the amount who survive.

Since Rex would be taking over, he had hopes that Rex would control them better than what he could or would be able to.

"I accept." Rex replied.

He knew deep down, that this was just for the ruler. Something told him that something great would come out of this. He was unsure why but his instincts screamed that a Battle Maid would be coming soon.

Sure enough, a woman came to the grand abode. Her black slitted eyes, her dark red skin, and pointed tail with a pitchfork made a typical devil look good.

"Ruler, I have come because you are Weak." She described with a honest tone.

"Oh, she looks like a good candidate." Rex thought.

Her natural beauty was not every good but her ability to come up even with Rex trying to understand the Fae Qi was remarkable. Not a single step was felt or heard and he could hear everyone else's steps.

"May I ask your name?" Rex asked.

"Gremory, Astarte." Astarte replied.

"Such a grand name for a woman." Rex replied.

He knew that Astarte was a Greek Goddess of War, Love, and Hunting. While Gremory was supposed to be a leader of legions of demons. This made Rex feel pretty good about adding her to the Battle Maids.

"Miss Astarte, shall we spar to see who is actually stronger?" Rex replied.

His Demonic Qi made Astarte feel weak and hopeless. Yet, he was still excited to test his Qi against someone who should be powerful.

"Fine." Astarte replied.

She was not in a hurry to attack. Before she could do anything against Rex, he already held her by the throat.

"She is too weak to be of any use." The Dark Abyss told Rex.

Has he held her, the eyes of anger glanced at him. Rex felt the emotions that she controlled were great for armies.

"What if we made legions of strong people under you?" Rex asked.

Astarte froze as she did not know what would be the cause of this talk.

"I am wanting you to become one of my Battle Maids. I, of course, have a second in command. I am training an army. I do not have legions, yet. If you promise to follow me, I will grant you exactly 6 legions containing 6,666 people. You my darling Fae Devil will become a Goddess of War with your legions."

As soon as Rex stopped the bleaming in her eyes was so strong that even the Dark Abyss felt that she had gotten stronger.

"As long as I have a legion of Fae Devils. I can consider anything." Astarte replied greedily.

"Welcome to my Battle Maids. Where you are not a fighter but a legion commander." Rex replied.

The ruler knew that because of this duo he would almost lose his entire lower ranking Fae Devils causing too much bloodshed for his higher ranking Fae Devils.