Chapter 679 The only way is to advance

The room was depressed expect for Rex. In which he was still excited about the ability.

"Never fear, Ladies." Rex spoke.

Everyone looked at Rex.

"There is only one way to find the advancement that you all want. Since there is a matter of needing to know how to advance it, we must advance ourselves in the Realms to further along our journey." Rex said.

Bella, the current naked maid in Rex's warmth, showed a smile that would kill men in an instant.

"Yes, that is truly the way to get into the most advanced Qi Spells and everything else that we need to do." Bella agreed.

"I do not know why we need the advancement to have better knowledge. I guess we shall always look for it." Orobas replied.

"Can you not be excited for another Realm that you will have sex with some random woman and just go on ahead and do it with us?" Iris spoke angrily.

"Now, now he already promised us our wedding night to be special for each of us. Of course, if he does not, well, we all know what will happen next." Liz spoke like a true warrior.

Rex knew that deep down that Liz was not lying.

"I agree. We need to keep advancing. That does not mean that we will be behind in the future." Amber spoke proudly.

"Yes. We will eventually be able to get ourselves into a wonderful bed, with a wonderful time, and memories to last lifetimes." Margaret continued.

Violet blushed hard and could not come out with a response.

As the group sat down to relax, Rex felt the heaviness of his eye lids. He slowly passed out.

Bella nudged closer to Rex allowing her body to keep close to Rex.

Iris was not happy with the current layout. Liz was almost to the point of doing the same as Bella.

Amber watched as the others were about to nuke out all the spells and destroy everything in their path.

Margaret tried to be the bigger woman in this midst and keep everyone happy. Yet, the only true happy one was Bella.

Violet tried to sneak her way into the bed as well. Currently, she was the closest to Rex and the furtherest away from everyone.

She quickly went into the covers as the others were bickering. Once she was called, everyone turned their attention to the extra slot in the bed.

"BITCH!" Iris roared with anger.

"AMAZING!" Liz yelled with happiness.

"SAVE YOURSELF!" Amber screamed with all her might.

"CALM DOWN!" Margaret stomped and shouted.

As the winners were already chosen. The others wanted to either take Iris out of the room or smother the bitches that entered in the bed with water movements.

Only Rex could sleep through the noise. He was exhausted so much, that nothing could even bother him currently.

As the night passed, the gentle rising of the sun came into view. The sun began to shine in Rex's eyes. He woke up to a sight that he would not believe.