Chapter 727 This beast

"What is still wrong?" War God spoke.

"This beast is something like a failed advancement beast. Here, it says the Beast is immune to Demonic Qi. Mortal Qi cannot pierce its skin but can be used to break its bones." Rex replied what was in the book.

"How is a beast immune to Demonic Qi? Even Demonic Beasts have weakness of Demonic Qi."

"Something is not right here. I just do not know what."

As the group felt the words weigh on their minds. The shortest man appeared back behind them.

"Here is the best book that I know of for the beast. Do not be ashamed. For many have tried to kill this beast and have failed. If you do fail, you will not be able to remember this place nor visit here again." The man vanished like thin air again.

"Weird." War God spoke.

"Something does not add up now. If the beast can only do so much. Why is the requirement that we forget instead of being killed?" Rex asked.

That caught War God's attention how Rex spoke. Normally a beast would eat the loser, but here it just naturally allows one to leave.

"There is too much that we do not know." War God said.

"Here is the deal with the beast. I believe it is either a Beastkin or a former humanoid forced to become a beast. It failed at something and that is why it will not eat humanoids. It is not powerful enough to fight against dragons or the dragons watch over the beast.

I find the whole way that we have dealt with the dragons funny now. They easily accepted us. They almost eagerly accepted our proposal for the arena. They led us to the Ladies of the Lake. Here is the key to solving this mystery."

War God finally got the pieces of the information that Rex was saying. The weirdest part to her now was the key in that shop.

"Okay. So I found the books about the beast. So does that mean a female has to be connected or is the key something to do with women?"

Rex felt that this was truly weird. It was true that War God found the books. It was his idea to search the town for them. Where other decent size towns at least have a library to help cultivators know what is around them. This place did not have one.

"A couple has to enter into this town with the dragons as friends. This is part 1 of the sequence of events without a doubt."

War God found a paper and pen and wrote it down.

"Somehow an argument takes place with guards. I believe that this is part 2."

War God wrote that down.

"A trigger happens and the shortest man happens to lead us to finding the truth about this town. This is without a doubt part 3."

War God wrote as he spoke this time.

"Alright. So if we take into account that part 2 is indeed the argument with the guards. Which I believe that leads us to the shortest man asking us about saving this town. What would happen if we did not argue with the guards?"

War God went and grabbed another paper. She began with the same part 1.

"Okay part 2 is the fact that we go somewhere. Which will lead us to the shortest man. Which somehow he leads us to finding about the town."

Rex happily took that as another clue. He decided to change the order of events.

"Alright. So we enter the town the sequence starts. Somehow or another we meet the shortest man and that leads us to fighting with the guards. Which we will either dominate them in a fight or kill them. That leads us to the shortest man asking us about the town itself.

However, we decided to research the beast itself first instead of the town. I believe that this is where we have changed instead of people in the past."


"That guy. I do not know if he has the Intelligence to figure this out naturally or if he was just lucky." The shortest man spoke into the darkness.

"Just what are you asking for?" This voice was old, crackling, and masculine.

"I am asking that you yourself make this chance a chance of allowing your dreams to come true."

The voice in the background stopped everything. Not even the sound of breathing could be heard.

"Oh me. It seems your years of service is nearing it's end." This voice sounded feminine.

A blade came around the neck of the shortest man.

"Please turn for me." The voice was trying to seduce him.

"That man did not just arrive with a Wyvern. He came with dragons as well." The man spoke.

"Release him for now." The old, crackling, masculine voice echoed.

The woman disappeared for the back of the man.

"Please tell me more."

The shortest man straightened himself up from the woman messing his clothing up.

"He researched you first before researching the town. I gave the book that he should find instead because he fought the guards."

The head of a lion came from the darkness.

"Please explain why he fought with the guards."

"The usually and dirty regular."

"I always loved making something that would cause people to get angered. So tell me, what did they reply with?"

"They could not."

The beast was surprised.

The conversation continued about what the shortest man thought about Rex. When the conversation ended, a stairway appeared in the town. Rex and War Gox felt the town shaking as it appeared.

As they ventured into the town. In the middle of the town, a stairway was there. Torches lit the stairs all the way down.

War God took the lead and grabbed the first torch. She led the way making sure that no matter where they stepped they would be safe.

"This beast is truly weird." Rex thought as they descended duo finally reached the bottom.