Chapter 793 Attack of the puss

Once the room was filled. Blades were drawn, claws and fangs ready to rip and tear off the flesh of Ms. Bumblebush of the bushes hair, fear was in the room because no one had any idea of what to expect from the Master.

"Oh that seems like everyone but a few people. I want them in my battle." She spoke like a serpent ready to strike at its meal.

"Say that again, and I will be the one to personally destroy your Soul and body." The End Boss roared.

The dungeon cowered as if the beasts and people inside could not help but faint from the sheer echo nearly killing most of the monsters.

This upset Ms. Bumblebush of the bushes hair. She could not enjoy the fight that she wanted.

Seeing that she was the one to make this an unfair fight now. The End Boss decided to make Rex the sole fighter.

"I want to make a deal Demon King of Annihilation. If you promise to hold back and not attack Ms. Bumblebush of the bushes hair for ten minutes. I will grant you the opportunity to destroy her afterwards." The End Boss asked.

"Seems good enough." Iris replied.

Rex felt his right eye twitch as Iris spoke.

"So can she answer for you?" The End Boss asked.

"No she cannot." Liz replied.

Iris was angered that Liz did that.

"I want to make this clear. She can only attack with only one kind of attack. I can only use the transformation after five minutes. If she can abide by that, I will abide my mine." Rex replied.

Hearing that, the End Boss made a decision for the Master.

"Master Bumblebush, you will fight against a singular opponent. Where you will be held accountable for only one kind of attack. The opponent cannot attack you for ten minutes. Nor will they use what the power within them for five minutes. You must state the only attack that you will do." The End Boss stated.

Everyone else felt relieved. This would allow them to see what kind of person was holding back.

The Master felt her pride hit hard because of the singular attack. It could be any attack that she could do. Even one that takes eight minutes to charge.

"Puss Explosive Charge" the Master decided.

"Very well. Make sure that is the only attack that you do. Even doing a regular punch will get you destroyed by my hands." The End Boss spoke.

The Master felt her heart break. She could not do the attack effectively without a couple of jabs.

As Rex made his appearance inside the room. He felt the power of the Master being awfully weak compared to what he wants to fight against.

"Hey, make sure that you watch the monsters and people from inside here leave before you turn the screen towards us." Rex stated.

Since that was said, the Ancient Zuggurant figured why Rex would allow this.

"We need to spend a couple of minutes trying to help the Master get her attack ready."

Instead of normally helping everyone, the Moon Champions were curious as to why he was helping only a couple at a time.

"Just do it." His thoughts transmitted to the other Moon Champions.

They began to help a couple at a time. Then they noticed that Rex was allowing the Master to punch him. Something that he forbid her to do.

That was when the click went through.

"He wanted whatever attack to be strong enough to see if it would push his limits." The census was similar to all of them.

As they waited to slowly get everyone out. By the time the five minute mark came. An explosion of puss filled the front half of the room.

The smell so horrid and the puss so green. That no one was able to hold down what was in their stomach. Even Rex vomited from the smell and sight of it.

"Even a dead body is better than this shit." He cursed.

A smile was bright on the face of the Master. Her explosive charge just a few minutes from causing massive damage.

"That is part one of this attack. Since I had time to charge up, I made good use of my time." The Master proud that Rex had allowed her to hit him.

"Such a disgusting thing in the form of an attack. Besides, I only said one attack and technically you already did it with the puss all over over me and the ground." Rex started to speak.

"It does seem that way, but it is still part of the attack. It does seem like she got attacks in on either the wall or you Rex." The End Boss stated.

"Well, she was kicking and slapping the wall slightly. So that is why she was doing so." Rex replied.

Her thanks to Rex because if she had been found out. Her death sentence would not have been light.

"You best be prepared to launch a full power attack." Everyone but her thought.

By the time the puss turned red, the Master was trying to launch herself with a kick and a punch trying to land on Rex.

That punch would never do anything because Rex transformed into the Demon King of Annihilation form to instantly make her feel weak.

The Puss Explosive Charge could not be stopped. When it connected, everything turned green for the Master.

"This is the price I pay for following commands." She thought as her bones and skin turned to melted product of puss.

"Such a disgusting attack." Rex replied.

He had not done anything her punch could not go through the Aura of a Demon King of Annihilation.

This is what caused her to become nothing. As the End Boss watched, she knew that Rex had not done anything. While the Master had actually been given permission to attack him.

"Worthless Master." The End Boss stated.

So the monsters, Beastmen, humans, and Moon Champions all made their way to where the End Boss was sitting on a throne.