Chapter 798 How to escape certain Death

The disk now lodged inside the wall began to spin. The spinning causing it to free itself. By the time it finally dislodged itself, Rex was ready to launch himself into full battle.

"It is either Death or Victory." Rex spoke.

He equipped his dual axes the shine on them made the Chimera shiver. That was not all, even his women felt the fear from his equipped axes.

"Time to die." Rex spoke.

He threw the first axe up above the head of the Chimera and it watched as it wanted to come down on its head.

Watching the axe being thrown gave Rex the opportunity to launch the second axe at its neck. When the blade of the axe lodged itself in the neck. Green blocks of blood came falling out.

When the first one touched the ground. It melted not only the ground but the sheer heat from it caused hairs to be singed from everyone inside the room.

"The heat also affects the Chimera but not fire. This is utterly stupid." Rex thought.

The Chimera forgot about the axe in the air has it lodged into the spine. A gurgling noise came from the Chimera. It's eyes now full of burning rage.

"Come on." Rex laughed.

Before the Chimera could move. War God used her blades to try and slice the back left leg off. The blades did go through part of the muscle. It looked more like a scratch then anything because of how thick the legs were.

The snake tail could not dislodge itself from the torso now due to the damage already done. War God did not want to try and do more and cause extra blocks to make the floor unusable for the final attack.

She darted back as the disk dislodged itself. A humming noise sounded as the disk went through the air.

Iris threw another Water Disk at the disk. To her surprise, the disk utterly destroyed her Water Qi.

The disk aiming to kill Iris. War God notices it and rushes towards Iris. The moment when War God would reach and when the disk would kill Iris were moments apart.

A Fire Qi explosion shook the room. The disk now moving towards the Liz instead of worrying about Iris. That amount of time was enough for War God to jump and use her blades to destroy the disk. One lucky shot underneath was all it took.

The Chimera heard the sound of the disk shattering. It was now no longer caring about anything else but death to these lowlifes.

Rex noticed the spot where Violet was ready to shot a vine start up. Rex gave it a shot.

"Hey, we need to aim where it is already weakened it!" Rex yelled.

He darted towards the spot just barely fast enough to keep the beast on him but not getting too far ahead.

Iris prepared another Water Disk. She was going to use it to blow a finishing touch on the Chimera.

Margaret and Amber both preparing a massive shot of Holy and Dark Qi. Has the Chimera came to do a swipe to ensure that Rex could not do what he wanted.

The vine shot up trying to pierce in the slot where the axe had lodged itself. Iris launched her Water Disk trying to ensure that the head of the Chimera fell down. The massive Holy and Dark Qi shot trying to make the head explode.

The vine punctured the throat. The blood made it not able to go much further. The Water Disk cut apart a little extra by the axe but was evaporated away quickly. The shot from Margaret and Amber destroyed the lower jaw of the Chimera.

The once proud Chimera was now battered and the healing process slow due to all the damage already done. Rex launched himself upwards.

"Use everything under this spot." Rex yelled.

Rex focused all of his Qi into his right hand. The glow was completely different than normal.

"Demon King's Secret Art: Full Power Devastation."

As the punch landed on top of the Chimera, the sounds of bones cracking and snapping was heard. The Chimera had no choice but to fall.

Underneath where he was falling, a Water Disk was coming up first. A vine ready to do nothing but slice came up afterwards. A massive Holy and Dark Qi shot being heated by Liz came up last.

When all was said and done. The Chimera's head did explode. Rex landed on the back of the Chimera. His fall not as graceful as he hoped for.

The snake tail began to devour the Chimera's body now. When it had fully devoured it, only the axes were left on the ground. The snake began to glow now.

It was trying to become immune to everything that the Chimera was. Liz began to just shot massive Fireballs at the snake. When one entered it's mouth, the entire head exploded.

"Good job ladies." Rex said.

He was exhausted from using nearly all of his Qi into his fist. They helped him into what looked like an exit now.

"Remember, there are always worst things than accepting what I need." The same eerie voice echoed.

Rex told the girls to stop and turn around.

"For anyone or anything trying to harm or take what or who I hold dear. I will use everything I can to utterly destroy it. Unless you decide to change tactics for me to ascend to the Godly Realm. We will fight."

The group slowly made their way to the exit.

A pair of golden eyes locked unto Rex.

"Never underestimate the power of time, Mortal." The eerie voice echoed.

By the time the group finally saw daylight. They knew that they had entered the Eighth Realm.