The color code part 1

He then told her to put her arms around his neck and when she did, he bent down and after placing an arm behind her knees, he carried her like a princess into the kitchen.

He explained to her on the way that after three months if they hadn't exchanged breaths their bond would have disappeared and she would have been free to fall in love with someone else.

Once he put her down in the kitchen he quickly went to get a black orb that was on the sideboard in the living room, and he put it on the table without saying anything.

After that he took care of everything, and he warmed up the dish for her because she was really hungry and while he was busy, she unconsciously put her fingers on her lips that he had kissed just before they exchanged their breath... Because he had kissed her, she hadn't dreamed it, and yet it all seemed so surreal to her.