Treasures !

This place was protected by a kind of force field and when Adrian heard Cassy tell Steven about the warning message her Divine Mage System had sent her, he immediately put the map away and joined them because he couldn't feel nor see anything unusual about this place.

He then asked Cassy, ​​"Are you sure about this Cassy?"

She nodded and bent down to pick up a pebble which she threw through the invisible barrier.

And as the pebble passed through it, disappearing from their view, Adrian exclaimed excitedly, "Holy shit, it's not a force field or the rock would have been thrown somewhere else or simply disintegrated by it, it's more like a kind of illusion set up to prevent us from seeing what's on the other side."

Steven looked at him, because Adrian was more knowledgeable than him when it came to things relate to Mages, and he asked him, "Is it safe to walk through this illusion wall?"