Looking at her as if she was an alien

He told her that he had received her message and to not worry too much about this boy, and that he would take care of it.

He also told her that he had assigned someone to look after them when they would go hunting in the forest, as he also had to protect Steven, and that she had to stay focused on her first course, because learning how to make a magic pill was the first step to become a true Mage.

After that, Cassy followed Glen's advice and focused once more on the other students that were still there.

And apart from the 5 Mages who were level 3 and this boy, all the others had a yellow aura, so they were all level 2.

And as for the Mages who had taken this magic herb like her, they all had a green aura.

So, this meant that all the Mages who had a yellow, orange, and brown aura must have come from a family of Mages and that they had started making magic pills before arriving at the Academy.