A silver glow

Fortunately, now that Cassy could use the technique that Carol had taught her to dig up magic herbs with the help of the spiritual energy, it was much easier and faster than before.

She didn't waste any time and she began to pick up the magic herbs that were on the rocks while the boys were talking to each other.

Then, she was attracted by a silvery glow that seemed to come from the deeper side of the lake and so she called the boys over to see if they knew what it might be.

All three of them joined her at once and Roman, who was also wondering what it could be, told them to stay with Cassy here, because the water of the lake was darker in its center which meant that it was probably very deep, and that other powerful magic beasts could perhaps hide there.

Roman then took out a magic pill which was of a dark blue color, almost black and he swallowed it before diving into the water of the lake.