Adrian’s theory

Jonas then widened his eyes and he repeated, "How is there three energy reserves… does Roman really have a Dragon energy reserve?"

Cassy confirmed it and Roman then fell to his knees feeling his Demon energy going out of his control, "Fuck… Uncle, I don't want Adrian to see me in my Demon form…"

When Adrian heard this, he got so angry that he disobeyed Jonas' order and he went to position himself in front of Roman, shaking off Jonas who had tried to stop him.

Roman was still on his knees and when he saw that Adrian was standing in front of him he told him, "Don't stay here, Adrian…"

But then Adrian unexpectedly slapped him, not too hard but enough to shock Roman, and then Adrian told him, "Stop bullshitting, and focus on your energy reserves to try to find a way for your Dragon energy and your Demon energy to cohabit."

Adrian then told him, "Listen to me, your Demon energy could mix with your Warrior energy reserve, right?"