A miracle

Jonas then said to her, "Well, I can't sell only 1 magic pill, it is an auction after all, so if you want me to sell your magic pills of low level, let's say that for the level 1 and 2, I need minimum 30 magic pills, you can mix them it doesn't matter to me.

Then, for those of level 3, I will need 20 of them, for those of level 4, 10 will be enough, and finally for your level 5 magic pills, I will sell them 5 by 5, of course the more there is the better.

Once you are able to make level 6 magic pills, I could start to auction them one by one, and as for your remuneration, like all goods that I auction, I will take 20% of the price they are sold for, and you will get the rest, does it sound good enough for you?"

Cassy nodded and she told him, "Jonas, as Carol sells only magic herbs, I will let you take care of selling my magic pills.