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As part of this organization, she had prepared the magic herbs and pills she had to provide them with during all these years and the rest was for her, her family and friends who would joined them in the quest of the 7 power stones.

Mia kept bidding against them, but most of the people here were just representatives of the most important families in Spartia, and so they all came with a certain amount of money to spend and once that amount was reached, they could no longer afford to bid.

Mia, who was not in the same situation as them, had therefore ended up winning the vision stone for the sum of 84 million diamonds.

She had tried her best to give Freya the maximum of time she could for her to join her if she wanted to, but as she was going to retrieve the items she had bought she couldn't wait any longer for her and she was going to show them that the money they had made tonight was nothing as they wouldn't be alive anyways to enjoy it.