Out of the ordinary

Just when Cassy was about to show her dad how to make several magic pills at the same time, Jonas, Glen, Carol and Paige teleported right next to the table where the plans and documents to find the first power stone were.

James then finally joined the adults and it was Paige who stayed with Cassy, she explained to her that Jonas wanted to go check tomorrow, since it was Glen's day off, the place where they could find this precious metal called Darium and he wanted James to know what they were doing and the plan he wanted to set up to be able to trap the maximum amount of Demons and mercenaries.

Cassy nooded, she didn't know if her father would stay with her or if he would go with them, but being around Jonas and Glen could only help him to get stronger and they would need a Mage if Jonas couldn't break the seals that would probably protect these places.