Without never asking for anything in return

One and a half hours later, a bright light came out from the shield that was holding the fine powder for her, and just after her first level 9 strengh magic pill appeared and her green flame brought it to her really happy to have helped her Mistress.

 Carol thanked her green flame warmly and she told her, "No wonder I failed to do it all the other times I had attempted to do one, I'm completely exhausted and I would have probably failed again without your help."

She then looked around to see what Cassy and James were doing and she was surprised to see that James finally, with the help of Red and the Talismans filled with spiritual energy, was making two level 8 magic pills at the same time.

Cassy must have managed to convince him to try and apparently everything seemed to be under control and there was no reason for him to fail... At least not with this technique that Cassy had just taught them.