End this reincarnation cycle

The voice of the Mage then said to them, "The following message is for the Guardians of the Divine Mage and the Golden Dragon.

You must be aware that after each reincarnation, the Demon Lord is more powerful and his knowledge is greater, what you thought you knew about him will probably be very different from the reality, stay on your guard at all time and protect them, I will provide you everything you need to succeed in your missions.

Remember Guardians, a little mistake can cost them their life and the end of our Universe as we know it."

The voice faded at the end of the sentence before disappearing completely and the wall in front of them then opened.

James then said to lighten the mood after the message left by this Mage, "No pressure!"

And Cassy then said to him smiling, "That's weird, it sounded like a message from my Divine Mage System, do you think this Mage created it?"