I won’t do it for free

Steven just nodded and he said, "Let's joined the others, we don't have much time and we need some urgent answer."

Rick agreed and they all changed back to their usual appearance.

Roman's black flame that had been staying quietly on his shoulder returned into his energy reserve when she was sure that there was no more danger and once Jonas had finished introducing Rick to the others Steven finally asked Rick, "The other superior Demon said something about a new target..."

He looked at Cassy's father and then asked Rick, "What exactly are your orders?"

Rick then told them, "This order comes directly from the Demon Lord, and it has only been given to the superior Demons."

He then said, "Our priority targets have changed recently, not only do we need to find the Golden Dragon and the Divine Mage but we also need to find a person who can communicate with his flames and especially teach others how to create a bond with them.