Let’s do that then!

Roman then said to him, "That's perfect my love, that way when you reach tier 12 you will be able to start to use his energy as you'll have probably already reached level 20/100 by then, you just need to keep building up trust with him to keep increasing your mastery... And then we just need to find a way to permanently increase your energy reserve, surely my uncle must know a way for that."

Adrian then looked at him smiling because Roman was always trying to support him the best way he could, and so he told him, "Don't worry about that, that's okay too, Alaric already took care of it when he made the changes so my body could use his energy."

Roman then asked hhimout of curiosity, "So how many mana points do you have now?"

Adrian then said, "My energy reserve is already at 25,000 mana points, so I will have no trouble reaching the 30,000 mana points I need."