First simulation

Cassy after validating the dimension she wanted, received her first mission.

[To accomplish this first mission and advance to the next level, a number of predefined balls will be sent to you and you will have to hit them with your flames to reach 500 points minimum, 2 points will be awarded to you when you touch the biggest balls and 5 points for the smallest.

If you fail the simulation stops here, if you reach 500 points you advance to the next level.

Warning, the time in this dimension is different from yours, no matter how much time you spend inside, a maximum of 30 minutes will have passed at the Academy.

This simulation cost 10,000 credits, do you wish to do it Yes/No]

Cassy wasn't short of credits so she smiled as she read the warning message, because at least these combat simulators would never waste too much of her time.