You need to keep them safe

Once he finished, he called Freya again and this time she answered immediately and asked him, "Did something happen to the kids? Why are you being so careful?"

Jonas then said to her, "Would I be so calm if the children's lives were at stake, I left them in the care of Carol and James, Mia can certify that they are safe with them, am I right?"

Mia laid a hand on Freya's shoulder and she said to her, "Carol is truly an amazing Mage, although her success rate at making magic pills has always been a bit low, her control of the energy of her flames is unique and now that James has helped her create a bond with them, I can't imagine the power she must be able to use, the children are safe with them, Jonas is right."

Freya immediately relaxed and Dylan reappeared with a storage disk in his hands, he immediately asked Jonas, "Did you make copies?"

Jonas smirked and told them, "Of course I did, who do you think I am, the information inside it is far too valuable to be lost accidentally."